Editor's note: the following was taken from a very short-lived page that had assembled some links that seemed worth preserving. For whatever reason, it is very difficult to track down any negative material on MLK, Jr.

The Educational Establishment has turned January into a period of heavy Martin Luther King indoctrination

Typical lesson plans envisage brainwashing by setting the students to revile one particular segment of the class. Blue-eyed children recur as popular targets.  (Scroll down to "Citizenship/ Role-Playing.")

The effect is to whip up hatred against Southerners and therefore the Founding Peoples generally; and to trigger anxiety, stress and guilt amongst such groups.

Of course no contradiction is allowed.

However, what the Internet takes, it can also give back. At least those not imprisoned by Hate Speech filters can find the truth. 

Of course, dissent from MLK-worship is wildly unpopular. So some of the sources here are sternly right-radical, and all are unfashionable.

A good starting point:  This has the powerful Kevin Strom article also found here, and some of Senator Jesse Helms' courageous Congressional Record insertions also found at here.

Another wonderful but sadly unfinished project linked here deals with King's astonishingly extensive plagiarism, which, apart from his brutality to women, is probably the failing most likely to distress his admirers. 

This subject was of course brilliantly opened by Theodore Pappas' book Plagiarism and The Culture War: The Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Other Prominent Americans.

Note also the trenchant introduction to the Council of Conservative Citizens group of postings.

Happily, the managers of the Great Martin Luther King Scam have a quite different but increasing problem: the indignation of the radical Left. Their position is that King was so a Marxist socialist (good) and enemy of the US Cold War effort (fine), whose womanizing merely proves his vitality (who cares - it's private). A good statement of this view, with the added ingredient of black supremacism, is Michael Eric Dyson's remarkable 2000 biography I May Not Get There With You: The True Martin Luther King, Jr.

For two other examples of the genre, more concerned with leftist rather than racial objectives, click here and here.

These contributors are extremely valuable. Of course, they have better Big Media access than critics from the right. But, just as important, they have the facts, which can be accepted: King was a man of the Left, an enemy of his country in its most threatened hour, and a man whose personal lifestyle matched more closely that of the bohemian fringe than that of the country as a whole.  Michael Eric Dyson is quite justified in his angry protests that the over-publicized key passage of the Dream speech, about a color-blind society, in no way represented King's strategic objectives. He provides a valuable antidote to the opportunism of the neoconservative nomenclatura.

The simple fact is that our schools are terrorizing and intimidating our children with a set of assertions based on a lie. The objective is not, and is not intended to be, in the interests of what the authors of the Constitution described in their opening sentence as "ourselves and our posterity."

Perhaps our grandchildren will laugh at us in years to come - IF  the record is ever unsealed.

More likely they will despise us.

There remains the question of King's religious role, which furnished him such credentials.

Churchgoers, dubious about King's apparently approaching canonization, should tax their ministers with this most remarkable contribution by an African American woman. She asks: Was Dr Martin Luther King Jr. A Christian?

The answer is no.