

  The Conservative Booklist - compiled: May, 1993, London, Ont, Can,
  by J. Verhagen. Formatted for 70 columns.
  Updated version - Finished & Posted: June, 1993, 

  AIM: To provide a reference for people interested in reading 
  "conservative literature"; To provide a selection of recent, 
  relevant and well-researched titles, as well as older -but still
  relevant- "classics". I also wanted to keep this list reasonably 

  DISCLAIMER: This is a list of books that advance different aspects of
  the conservative perspective; their perspective may not be completely
  consistent with your own. Nevertheless, I have done my best to make 
  certain that this list reflects my understanding of what conservatism
  is, as well as to reflect what I believe yours to be -on the basis of
  submitted titles. In other words, I don't want this list to inspire 
  endless arguments about what constitutes conservatism, or about 
  whether or not a particular book deserves to be mentioned here. This 
  list is meant to give you an overview of conservative literature, not
  to define it.

  DISCLAIMER: I have done everything in my power to make certain that
  references, reviews, prices, etc. are as accurate as possible. Since
  many reviews are second-hand (submitted with titles), I cannot vouch 
  for their accuracy; also some people may consider a work great, while
  others may consider it poor: judgement calls in this area strike me 
  as somewhat subjective. There may also be syntactical errors, or some

  note: For a LIBERTARIAN BookList, contact: sierra@ora.com

  There are two sections... (the intro to each will explain them)

I.   A List of Authors/Titles submitted. This section is a list of the
  recommended titles by each author, and demonstrates the volume, and
  diversity of each author's work. The popularity of an author and of
  their titles given is also indicated, ie.- I could have listed every 
  work by William F. Buckley if I was so inclined; instead, I list only
  those that were recommended by you. Here we go.

Adler, Mortimer Jerome, "Ten Philosophical Mistakes"
Anderson, Martin,       "Imposters in the Temple"
Anderson, Terry,        "Free Market Environmentalism"
Ames, Bruce,            "Nature's Cancers"
Aristotle,              "The Complete Works of Aristotle"
Babbitt, Irving,        "Rousseau and Romanticism"
Bailey, Ronald,         "Eco-Scam"
Bandow, Doug,           "The Politics of Plunder"
Bartley, Robert L.,     "The Seven Fat Years"
Bastiat, Frederic,      "The Law"
Bastiat, Frederic,      "Selected Essays on Political Economy"
Bast, Rue, Westbury,    "Why We Spend Too Much on Health Care"
Batra, Ravi,            "The Great Earthquake of 1990"
Belz, Herman,           "Equality Transformed"
Bennett, William,       "The Devaluing of America"
Bennett, William,       "Our Children and Our Country"
Bloom, Allen,           "The Closing of the American Mind"
Borjas, George,         "Strangers or Friends"
Bork, Robert,           "The Tempting of America"
Bovard, James,          "Farm Fiasco"
Brock, David,           "The Real Anita Hill"
Buckley, William F.,    "Did You Ever See a Dream Walking?"
Buckley, William F.,    "God and Man at Yale"
Buckley, William F.,    "Right Reason: a collection"
Buckley, William F.,    "Up From Liberalism"
Burke, Edmund,          "Reflections on the Revolution in France"
Burkett, Larry,         "The Upcoming Economic Earthquake"
Carlson, Allan C.,      "Family Questions"
Carlson, Allan C.,      "The Swedish Experiment in Family Politics"
Carter, Stephen, L.,    "Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby"
Chambers, Whittaker,    "Witness"
Charles, Maurice S.,    "The Doomsday Myth"
Chesterton, G.K.,       "Brave New Family"
Christensen, Bryce J.,  "Utopia Against the Family"
Chubb, and Moe,         "Politics, Markets, and American Schools"
Collier, Peter, and ... "Deconstructing the Left"
Collier, Peter, and ... "Destructive Generation"
Confucius,              "The Analects of Confucius"        
Crouch, Stanley,        "Notes of a Hanging Judge"
Dannemeyer, William,    "Shadow in the Land"
Davidson, Nicholas, ed.,"Gender Sanity"
De Jouvenal, Bertrand,  "The Ethics of Redistribution"
Denton, Michael,        "Evolution"
Dicey, Albert Venn,     "Introduction to the Study of Law/Constitution"
Dobson, James, and ...  "Children at Risk"
D'Souza, Dinesh,        "Illiberal Education"
Epstein, Richard,       "Forbidden Grounds"
Epstein, Richard,       "Takings"
Figgie, Harry F.,       "Bankruptcy 1995"
Filler, Louis,          "Dictionary of American Conservatism"
Friedman, Milton,       "Capitalism and Freedom"
Friedman, Milton & Rose "Free to Choose"
Fumento, Michael,       "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS"
Fumento, Michael,       "Science Under Siege"
Gairdner, William D.,   "The War Against the Family"
Gallagher, Maggie,      "Enemies of Eros"
Gallaway, Lowell, E.,   "Out of Work"
Gentles, Ian, ed.,      "A Time to Choose Life"
Gilder, George,         "Men and Marriage"
Gilder, George,         "Recapturing the Spirit of Enterprise"
Gilder, George,         "Wealth and Poverty"
Glazer, Nathan,         "Affirmative Discrimination"
Glazer, Nathan,         "The Limits of Social Policy"
Glazer, Nathan,Moynihan "Beyond the Melting Pot"
Goldberg, Steven,       "The Inevitability of Patriarchy"
Goldwater, Barry, M.,   "The Conscience of a Conservative"
Grant, George,          "Grand Illusions"
Hart, Benjamin,         "Poisoned Ivy"
Hayek, Friedrich A.,    "The Constitution of Liberty"
Hayek, Friedrich A.,    "The Fatal Conceit"
Hayek, Friedrich A.,    "The Road to Serfdom"
Hayek, Friedrich A.,    "Law, Legislation and Liberty"
Hayek, Friedrich A.,    "Socialism and the Intellectuals"
Hazlitt, Henry,         "Economics in One Lesson"
Hume, David,            "A Treatise on Human Nature"
Huntford, Roland,       "The New Totalitarians"
Hutchins, Robert,       "Great Books of the Western World ; v.1"
Jackley, John, L.,      "Hill Rat"
Jefferson, Thomas,      "Democracy"
Jefferson, Thomas,      "The Life and Selected Writings of T.J."
Johnson, Paul,          "Intellectuals"
Johnson, Paul,          "Modern Times"
Kasun, Jacqueline,      "The War Against Population"
Kendall, Willmoore,     "Willmoore Kendall Contra Mundum"
Kimball, Roger,         "Tenured Radicals"
Kirk, Russell,          "The Conservative Mind"
Kirk, Russell,          "The Roots of American Order"
Kirk, Russell,          "Edmund Burke"
Kirk, Russell,          "John Randolph of Roanoke"
Kirk, Russell,          "The Portable Conservative Reader"
Kirk, Russell,          "A Program for Conservatives"
Kirkpatrick, Jean,      "America and the World"
Kristol, Irving,        "Reflections of a Neoconservative"
Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Erik  "Leftism Revisited"
LaHaye, Tim,            "The Battle for the Mind"
Lasch, Christopher,     "Haven in a Heartless World"
Lehr, Jay H., ed.,      "Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns"
Leoni, Bruno,           "Freedom and the Law"
Levin, Michael,         "Feminism and Freedom"
Lewis, C.S.,            "Mere Christianity"
Lewis, C.S.,            "The Great Divorce"
Lewis, C.S.,            "The Abolition of Man"
Lieberman, Myron,       "Privatization and Educational Choice"
Limbaugh, Rush H.,      "The Way Things Ought To Be"
Locke, John,            "Discourses"
Hamilton, Madison, Jay, "The Federalist Papers"
Marmor, Judd, ed.,      "Homosexual Behaviour"
Milosz, Czeslaw,        "The Captive Mind"
Mises, Ludwig Von,      "Bureaucracy"
Mises, Ludwig Von,      "Human Action"
Mises, Ludwig Von,      "Socialism"
Montesquieu, Charles,   "The Spirit of the Laws"
Murray, Charles,        "In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government"
Murray, Charles,        "Losing Ground"
Nash, George,           "The Conservative Intellectual Movement..."
Nash, Ronald,           "The Closing of the American Heart"
Nathanson, Bernard N.,  "Aborting America"
Nock, A.J.,             "Our Enemy the State"
North, Oliver,          "Under Fire"
Oakshott, Michael,      "Rationalism and Politics"
O'Rourke, P.J.,         "Give War a Chance"
O'Rourke, P.J.,         "Parliament of Whores"
O'Rourke, P.J.,         "Holidays in Hell"
O'Rourke, P.J.,         "Republican Party Reptile"
Novak, Michael,         "The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism"
Pasour, E.C,            "Agriculture and the State"
Peden, and Glahe,       "The American Family and the State"
Posner, Richard, A.,    "Sex and Reason"
Ray, Dixie Lee,         "Environmental Overkill"
Ray, Dixie Lee,         "Trashing the Planet"
Reisman, Dr. Judith A., "Kinsey, Sex and Fraud"
Reisman, George,        "The Toxicity of Environmentalism"
Reisman, George,        "The Government Against the Economy"
Roche, George,          "One By One"
Schlesinger, Arthur,    "The Disuniting of America"
Scruton, Roger,         "The Meaning of Conservatism"
Simon, Julian,          "The Ultimate Resource"
Smith, Adam,            "The Theory of Moral Sentiments"
Smith, Adam,            "The Wealth of Nations"
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr "The Gulag Archipelago"
Sowell, Thomas,         "Civil Rights"
Sowell, Thomas,         "Compassion Versus Guilt"
Sowell, Thomas,         "The Economics of Politics and Race"
Sowell, Thomas,         "Inside American Education"
Sowell, Thomas,         "Knowledge and Decisions"
Sowell, Thomas,         "Markets and Minorities"
Sowell, Thomas,         "Pink and Brown People, and Other..."
Sowell, Thomas,         "Preferential Policies"
Sowell, Thomas,         "Race and Economics"
Steele, Shelby,         "The Content of our Character"
Sykes, Charles, J.,     "Prof Scam"
Taylor, Jared,          "Paved With Good Intentions"
Tebbit, Norman,         "Upwardly Mobile"
Thatcher, Margaret,     "In Defence of Freedom"
Thucydides,             "The History of the Peloponnesian War"
Tocqueville, Alexis de.,"Democracy in America"
Tyrrell, R. Emmett,     "The Liberal Crack-up"
Tyrrell, R. Emmett,     "Public Nuisances"
Tyrrell, R. Emmett,     "The Future that Doesn't Work"
Washington, George,     "A Collection"
Weaver, Richard M.,     "Ideas have consequences"
Weber, Max.,            "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of..."
White, Richard W.       "Rude Awakenings"
Wildavsky, Aaron,       "The Rise of Radical Egalitarianism"
Will, George F.,        "The Morning After"
Will, George F.,        "Restoration"
Will, George F.,        "Suddenly"
Wolfe, Gregory,         "Right Minds"

II. The Comprehensive Booklist -

  Contains Author, Title, Imprint Info, Review, Prices, etc. for ONE 
  popular work for EACH author. This rule allows me to pare down the
  size of the list. It also emphasizes less known authors. The previous
  section was given to reveal other works by the authors. This one goes
  into more detail on a "significant" work by each author. I chose the 
  "significant" work on the basis of the number of people who referred 
  to it (as opposed to other works by the same author). Where this 
  would not work, I used my own discretion (which can be somewhat arbi-
  trary). Please - no endless arguments about whether a work is "signi-
  ficant" or not. 

  Imprint Info: From library electronic catalogue; most recent 
                imprint info is usually given.

  Review:       For books marked (G), they are usually Gairdner's
                comments on the book, some are mine; For other books,
                the comments are either edited versions of reviews 
                sent to me by contributers, or they are mine.

  Prices/Etc:   These are given where known. 
                US=United States Dollars; CAN=Canadian Dollars.
                HC=Hard Cover; SC=Soft Cover.

  (G)           From Gairdner's "The War Against the Family" Selected 
                Biography [I've found these to be typically relevant 
                and qualitatively good]

Adler, Mortimer Jerome, "Ten Philosophical Mistakes," New York:
 Macmillan; London: Collier Macmillan, c1985.
Anderson, Martin, "Imposters in the Temple," New York; Toronto: Simon
 & Schuster, c1992. It has [some] good stories about hubris in the 
Anderson, Terry, "Free Market Environmentalism," San Francisco: Pacific
 Research Institute for Public Policy: Boulder: Westview Press, 1991.
Ames, Bruce, "Nature's Cancers," - a video on naturally occurring 
 carcinogens (watch that broccoli!). ($19.95 US, video)
Aristotle, "The Complete Works of Aristotle: the revised Oxford
 translation," Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1984.
Babbitt, Irving, "Rousseau and Romanticism," New Brunswick, New Jersey:
 Transaction Publishers, 1991. Originally published in 1919. A tough,
 wonderful read, for those with background in the history of ideas. (G)
Bailey, Ronald, "Eco-Scam: the false prophets of ecological 
 apocalypse," St. Martin's Press, 1993. For budding skeptics (178 pg)
Bandow, Doug, "The Politics of Plunder: misgovernment in washington,"
 New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A.: Transaction Publishers, c1990. The 
 Federal Govt. and interest groups are shown to have badly mismanaged 
 the political process for private ends. (508pg)
Bartley, Robert, L., "The Seven Fat Years." The seven fat years is 
 shown to have resulted from the successful economic policies of the 
 1980's. The abandonment of said policies caused the recession. (348pg)
Bastiat, Frederic, "The Law," Irvington-on-Hudson, New York: The 
 Foundation for Economic Education, 1981. Basic, inspiring. (G)
Bast, Joseph, and Rue, Richard, and Wesbury, Stuart, "Why We Spend Too
 Much on Health Care," Heartland Institute, 1992. (130pg)
Batra, Ravi, "The Great Earthquake of 1990." This book is said to be 
 still applicable; he just didn't take deficit spending into account.
Belz, Herman, "Equality Transformed: a quarter-century of affirmative
 action," [Bowling Green, OH]: Social Philosophy & Policy Center: New
 Brunswick, USA: Transaction Publishers, 1991. Affirmative action is 
 shown to have evolved into reverse discrimination. (320pg)
Bennett, William, "The Devaluing of America," Bennett's explains what 
 the "culture war" is really all about; and he offers suggestions to
 improve education. Liberals hate it because it shows what they are.
Bloom, Allen, "The Closing of the American Mind," New York: Simon and
 Schuster, 1987. To understand conservatism, social culture, and
Borjas, George, "Strangers or Friends: principles for a new alien
 admission policy," Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1986.
Bork, Robert, "The Tempting of America: the political seduction of the
 law," New York: Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, c1990. Helps
 understand the transformation of the judicial system over the last
 fifty years.
Bovard, James, "Farm Fiasco: how federal agriculture policy squanders
 billions of dollars a year, sacrifices the poor to the rich, and gives
 Congressmen and Bureaucrats vast arbitrary power over American 
 Citizens," Institute for Independent Studies, 1989. (356pg)
Brock, David, "The Real Anita Hill: the untold story" The American 
 Spectator's David Brock scrutinizes Anita Hill's evidence -and 
 character. (HC)
Buckley, William F., "Right Reason: a collection," Garden City, N.Y.: 
 Doubleday, 1985. A collection of essays by National Review's "Editor-
 at-Large," William F. Buckley Jr. (HC)
Burke, Edmund, "Reflections on the Revolution in France," Garden City,
 N.Y., Doubleday, [1961]. The case for conservatism has never been 
 better put; contains real intellectual force. (HC)
Burkett, Larry, "The Upcoming Economic Earthquake." A "must read" book
 which argues against entitlements, big govt., and tax and spend 
Carlson, Allan C., "The Swedish Experiment in Family Politics," New 
 Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1990. A magnifying
 glass on social engineering.(G)
Carter, Stephen, L., "Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby."
 Documents the effects of "affirmative-action" on its recipients.
Chambers, Whittaker, "Witness," Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1952. Discusses
 how/why Stalinism could have such an appeal to American intellectuals.
Charles, Maurice S., "The Doomsday Myth: 10,000 years of economic 
 crises," Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford 
 University, c1984. A "freer" free market would lead to lesser use of 
 resources. ($11.95 US, 142pgSC)
Chesterton, G.K., "Brave New Family," San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 
 1990. A Chesteryon collection that is wise, trenchant, and memorable.
Christensen, Bryce J., "Utopia Against the Family," San Francisco: 
 Ignatius Press, 1990. A concise condemnation of dreamlanders. (G)
Chubb, John E., and Moe, Terry M., "Politics, Markets, and American 
 Schools," Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1990. A 
 legitimization of educational privitization. (G)
Clinton, Bill, "Taxing People First: how we can all change America," 
 New York: Times Books, c1992. An American president discusses the best
 way to convert a Democracy into a Welfare State.
Collier, Peter, and Horowitz, David, "Destructive Generation: second
 thoughts about the sixties," New York; Toronto: Summit Books, c1989.
Confucius, "The Analects of Confucius," New York, Paragon Book Reprint
 Corp., 1968.
Crouch, Stanley, "Notes of a Hanging Judge: essays and reviews. 1979-
 1989," New York; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990. About race
Dannemeyer, William, "Shadow in the Land: homosexuality in America,"
 San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1989. A look inside the movement. (G)
Davidson, Nicholas, ed., "Gender Sanity," New York: University Press of
 America, 1989. Challenges the dogma. (G) (HC)
De Jouvenal, Bertrand, "The Ethics of Redistribution," Indianapolis:
 Liberty Press, c1990. Demonstrates why redistributionism results in
 decreased personal responsibility, and increased bureaucracy and the 
 State. (100pg)
Denton, Michael, "Evolution: a theory in crisis," London: Burnett 
 Books, 1985. Discredits the theory of evolution from a scientific 
Dicey, Albert Venn, "Introduction to the Study of the Law of the
 Constitution," London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press,
 [1959, 1961].
Dobson, James, and Bauer, Gary, "Children at Risk." Traces the great
 unraveling of American culture and morals of the last 30 years. Gives 
 common sense advice on how children can be protected.
D'Souza, Dinesh, "Illiberal Education: the politics of race and sex on 
 campus," New York: Free Press; Toronto : Collier Macmillan Canada, 
 c1991. Excellently researched expose and condemnation of campus 
 ideologues and their activities (320pgHC)
Epstein, Richard, "Forbidden Grounds: the case against employment
 discrimination laws," Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 
 1992. A very skillful discussion on why discrimination laws aren't 
 such a good idea.
Figgie, Harry F., "Bankruptcy 1995: the coming collapse of America and 
 how to stop it," Boston; Toronto: Little Brown, c1992. 
Filler, Louis, "Dictionary of American Conservatism," New York: 
 Philosophical Library, c1987. A who's who of American conservatives, 
 and a source of information on the conservative lexicon.
Friedman, Milton & Rose "Free to Choose: a personal statement," San 
 Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990. A book on economics.
Fumento, Michael, "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS," New York: Basic 
 Books, c1990. The title says it all.
Gairdner, William D., "The War Against the Family: a parent speaks 
 out," Toronto: Stoddart, 1992. An erudite expose of the enemies of the
 traditional Canadian Family; By a former Stanford professor of 
 literature and philosophy. ($32.95 CAN, HC)
Gallagher, Maggie, "Enemies of Eros: how the sexual revolution is 
 killing Family, marriage, and sex and what we can do about it," 
 Chicago: Bonus Books, 1989. A bright and feeling woman's view. (G)
Gallaway, Lowell, E., "Out of Work: unemployment and government in
 twentieth-century America," New York: Holmes & Meier, 1993. A critique
 of government efforts to reduce unemployment - which are found to have
 increased it on the whole.
Gentles, Ian, ed., "A Time to Choose Life: women, abortion, and human
 rights," Toronto: Stoddart, 1990. Full of insightful, make-you-think 
 essays. (G) (SC)
Gilder, George, "Men and Marriage," Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican 
 Publishing, 1986. Societies that ignore innate gender differences, do 
 so at their own peril. A classic. (G)
Glazer, Nathan, and Moynihan, Daniel P., "Beyond the Melting Pot: the 
 Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, and Irish of New York City,"
 Cambridge, M.I.T. Press [1970]. Two atypical liberals discover that 
 the Family, rather than the succour of the government, has lifted 
 generations of immigrants out of poverty.
Goldberg, Steven, "The Inevitability of Patriarchy," New York, Morrow, 
 1973. Golberg disputes claims of the existence and survival of 
 matriarchal societies, and shows why patriarchy is inevitable. A 
Goldwater, Barry, M., "The Conscience of a Conservative," 
 Shepherdsville, Ky., Victor Pub. Co. [1960]. A must-read, timeless 
 discourse on conservatism; Points out the links between conservativism
 and freedom.
Grant, George, "Grand Illusions: The legacy of Planned Parenthood," 
 Brentwood, Tennessee: Wolgemuth and Hyatt, 1988. Scholarly, biblical, 
 and chock-a-block with good notes. (G)
Hamilton, Madison, Jay, "The Federalist Papers," Harmondsworth, 
 Middlesex ; Markham, Ont.: Penguin, 1987. The arguments that sold the 
Hart, Benjamin, "Poisoned Ivy," New York: Stein and Day, 1984. About
 the early exploits of the founders of the Dartmouth Review.
Hayek, Friedrich A., "The Road to Serfdom," Chicago: University of 
 Chicago Press, 1944. The classic first step in a conservative, or 
 classical liberal, education. (G) 
Hazlitt, Henry, "Economics in One Lesson," Arlington House, 1946.
 Like a surgeon's scalpel, it cuts through... much of the economic
 nonsense that has been written in recent years about our economic
 ailments -- John W. Hanes (former Undersecretary of the Treasury)
Hume, David, "A Treatise on Human Nature ... and Dialogues Concerning
 Religion," London, Longmans Green, 1878.
Huntford, Roland, "The New Totalitarians," New York: Stein and Day, 
 1972. Unveils a scandal, then and now. (G)
Hutchins, Robert, "Great Books of the Western World ; v.1," Chicago; 
 Toronto: Encyclopaedia Britannica; W. Benton, c1952. The DWEM's 
 (Dead White European Male's) greatest hits.
Jackley, John, L., "Hill Rat." A telling expose of what went on in
 Congress duing the 1980's; Includes interesting Democrat complicity
 in Iran-Contra.
Jefferson, Thomas, "The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas
 Jefferson," New York: The Modern Library, 1944.
Johnson, Paul, "Modern Times: the world from the twenties to the 
 eighties," New York: Harper & Row, c1983. A former leftist explores 
 how the philosophy of the left has, in modern times, resulted in the
 slaughter of millions.
Kasun, Jacqueline, "The War Against Population: the economics and 
 ideology of population control," San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1988. 
 An expose of the population watermelons (radical environmentalists: 
 green on the outside, red on the inside). (G)
Kendall, Willmoore, "Willmoore Kendall Contra Mundum," New Rochelle,
 N.Y., Arlington House [1971]
Kimball, Roger, "Tenured Radicals: how politics has corrupted our 
 higher education," New York ; Toronto: Harper & Row, c1990.  (222pg)
Kirk, Russell, "The Conservative Mind," London, Faber & Faber, ltd., 
 1954. Explores the conservative tradition, and conservative thought.
Kirkpatrick, Jean, "America and the World." Discusses international
 relations (from a conservative point of view).
Kristol, Irving, "Reflections of a Neoconservative," New York: Basic 
 Books, 1983. (G)
Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Erik von, "Leftism Revisited: from deSade and Marx to
 Hitler and Pol Pot," Washington, D.C.: Regnery Gateway: Lanham, MD: 
 Distributed by National Book Network, 1990. Detailed, well-documented;
 by a person who _understands_ history. (Hitler is shown to be a member
 of the Left)
LaHaye, Tim, "The Battle for the Mind."
Lasch, Christopher, "Haven in a Heartless World: the Family besieged," 
 New York: Basic Books, 1977. Heavy, thoughtful, sincere, by a mild 
 anti-capitalist. (G)
Lehr, Jay H., ed., "Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns," 51 
 Scientists contribute 81 articles on 29 different (environmental) 
 subjects. Essence of environmentalism shown to be contempt for man and
 for the achievements of mankind. ($49.95 US, 840pgHC)
Leoni, Bruno, "Freedom and the Law," Princeton, N.J.,; Toronto: Van
 Nostrand, [1961].
Levin, Michael, "Feminism and Freedom," New Brunswick, New Jersey: 
 Transaction Books, 1987. A sinewy philosophical mind shreds a sloppy
 ideology. (G) Feminism is subjected to rigorous logical analysis and 
 it is found to be sadly deficient. Excellent anti-abortion arguments
 in last chapter.
Lewis, C.S., "Mere Christianity," New York: Macmillian, 1960. 
Lieberman, Myron, "Privatization and Educational Choice," New York: St.
 Martin's Press, 1989. Privatization of schools is the way to go. How
 to do it is also discussed. (386pg)
Limbaugh, Rush H., "The Way Things Ought To Be," New York: Pocket 
 Books, 1992. America's "Big Guy of Talk Radio" sounds off on a variety
 of topics. At least 2.5 Million copies sold. ($22.00 US, HC)
Locke, John, "Discourses:tr from Nicole's Essays," London, Harvey and 
 Darton, 1828.
Marmor, Judd, ed., "Homosexual Behaviour: a modern reappraisal," New
 York: Basic Books, 1980. (G)
Milosz, Czeslaw, "The Captive Mind, tr. Jane Zielonko," London, Mercury
 Books, [1962]. Essential book on the threat of totalitarianism to 
 intellectual inquiry and morality.
Mises, Ludwig Von, "Socialism: an economic and sociological analysis," 
 London, J. Cape, [1953]. A classic critique of socialism.
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, "The Spirit of the Laws," Cambridge; 
 New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. One of the foundations 
 upon which the United States was built.
Murray, Charles, "Losing Ground," New York: Basic Books, 1984. A 
 thorough-going, compassionate analysis of why welfare always fails. 
 (G) (324pg)
Nash, Ronald, "The Closing of the American Heart."
Nathanson, Bernard N., "Aborting America," Garden City, N.Y.: 
 Doubleday, 1979. A former abortionists (and leader/creator of NARAL)
 discusses how and why he changed to a more pro-life position. (HC)
Nock, A.J., "Our Enemy the State," New York, Arno Press, 1972 [c1935].
 The title says it all.
North, Oliver, "Under Fire: an America story," New York, NY: 
 HarperCollins Publishers: [Grand Rapids, Mich.]: Zondervan, 1991.
Oakshott, Michael, "Rationalism and Politics."
O'Rourke, P.J., "Parliament of Whores: a lone humorist attempts to 
 explain the entire U.S. government," Atlantic Monthly Press, 1991.
Novak, Michael, "The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism," New York: Simon 
 and Schuster, 1982. Brilliant and Deep. (G)
Pasour, E.C., "Agriculture and the State: market processes and 
 bureaucracy," The Independent Institute, 1990. A more scholarly 
 analysis of Agriculture. (258pg)
Peden, Joseph R., and Glahe, Fred R., "The American Family and the 
 State," San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, 
 1986. A feast of essays on a wide range of Family topics. (G)
Posner, Richard, A., "Sex and Reason," Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
 University Press, 1992. An examination of governmental regulation of
 behaviour from a utilitarian viewpoint.
Ray, Dixie Lee, "Trashing the Planet," Washington D.C.: Regnery 
 Gateway: Lanham. MD: Distributed by National Book Network, c1990. 
 Environmental catastrophe myths exposed. ($19.95 US, 206 pgHC)
Reisman, Dr. Judith A., "Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: the indoctrination of 
 a people," Lafayette, Louisiana: Lochinvar, Inc., 1990. Kinsey 
 supervised the molestation of over 200 children, and manipulated data
 to promote his pro-pansexual/pro-pederastic view. (G)
Reisman, George, "The Toxicity of Environmentalism," principalled 
 analysis of the anti-(hu)man underpinnings of environmentalism. 
 ($4.95 US, pamph)
Roche, George, "One By One."
Schlesinger Jr, Arthur M "The Disuniting of America," New York: Norton,
 c1992. About race-relations and multiculturalism (I believe).
Scruton, Roger, "The Meaning of Conservatism," London: Macmillan, 1984.
Simon, Julian, "The Ultimate Resource," Princeton, N.J. : Princeton
 University Press, c1981. Claims per capita food production, and 
 agricultural land supply is actually growing; our environment is 
 becoming cleaner and healthier, and energy supplies are becoming more 
 abundant. ($19.95 US, 415pgSC)
Smith, Adam, "The Wealth of Nations: Books I-III," Harmondsworth,
 Middlesex, England ; Markham, Ont.: Penguin Books, c1986.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, "The Gulag Archipelago: an experiment in
 literary investigation," New York: Harper & Row, [1974-76]
Sowell, Thomas, "Inside American Education: the decline, the deception,
 the dogmas," Free Press, 1993. Superb. The American Educational system
 is shown to be morally and intellectually bankrupt, not to mention 
 full of dogmas and deceptions. (368pg)
Steele, Shelby, "The Content of Our Character: a new vision of race in
 America," New York: St. Martin Press, c1990. Blacks are said to be 
 more oppressed by doubt than by racism; and social policies designed 
 to lessen racial differences have instead made them greater (as
 D'Souza also discovered in "Illiberal Education"). (176pg)
Sykes, Charles, J., "Prof Scam: professors and the demise of higher
 education," Washington, D.C.: Regnery Gateway: New York, NY: 
 Distributed to the trade by Kampmann & Co., c1988. A liv[ely] book...
 recommended as THE book on education. Great.
Taylor, Jared, "Paved With Good Intentions," New York, N.Y.: Carroll & 
 Graf, 1992. The source book on America's vital race issues for the
 thinking citizen. Insightful, convincing, and extensively documented.
Tebbit, Norman, "Upwardly Mobile," London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 
Thatcher, Margaret, "In Defence of Freedom : speeches on Britain's 
 relations with the world," London: Aurum Press, 1986.
Thucydides, "The History of the Peloponnesian War," London: Longmans,
 Green, 1876.
Tocqueville, Alexis de., "Democracy in America," New York: Knopf, 1987,
 c1945. A classic account of the present and future of 1830's America; 
 which is as true today as it was then.
Tyrrell, R. Emmett, "The Future that Doesn't Work : social democracy's 
 failures in Britain," Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1977.
Washington, George, "A Collection. Ed. by W.B. Allen," LibertyFund.
Weaver, Richard M., "Ideas have consequences," Chicago, University of 
 Chicago Press, [1965, c1948].
Weber, Max., "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," 
 London: Allen & Unwin, 1976.
White, Richard W., "Rude Awakenings." 
Wildavsky, Aaaron, "The Rise of Radical Egalitarianism."
Will, George F., "Restoration - Term Limits and the Restoration of 
 Deliberative Democracy," George Will's argument for term limits, 
 featuring outrageous computer-gerrymandered district maps to prove his
Wolfe, Gregory, "Right Minds: a sourcebook of American conservative
 thought," Chicago: Regnery Books, c1987. Contains a book list similiar
 to the one I am now making, as well as information on conservative
 organizations and publishers.

A Special thanks to all those who contributed and made this booklist a 
possibility (some of whom aren't conservative). Thanks go out to:
