Resource List - alt.revolution.counter

This list is mostly an accumulation of materials submitted in the middle to late '90s by participants in the newsgroup alt.revolution.counter and has since been maintained only very partially and sporadically. Its purpose is to aid the exploration and study of counterrevolutionary and related thought. It includes materials from a great variety of sources, has not been vetted, is not at all balanced, includes material most people find objectionable, is often extremely ill-assorted, and in general is designed to inform rather than recommend. The descriptions are also from many sources and often reflect the views of the contributor rather than the compiler.

Many of these materials are public domain or long out of print. Large libraries are likely to have some; interlibrary loans are another source. Some items are available through and other mainstream online sellers, others through the "Book Stores & Mail Order Services" listed below. Online used book finders such as Bibliofind are also quite useful.

Some are available through Google Books or the Internet Archive. Links have been provided where they are known to be available on the web. Some are also available through the ED2K and Kademlia filesharing networks, which are accessible through freely available client programs such as eMule. Other resources relevant to issues considered here can be found on my Traditionalist Conservatism Page, Anti-Inclusiveness FAQ, Anti-Feminist Page, Sexual Morality FAQ, Culture Wars Page, and Questions and Answers on the Establishment of Religion.

                         BOOKS & ARTICLES INDEX

Table of Contents:

     Other Sources
Christian Society and Counter-Revolution
Catholic Traditionalism
Distributism, Economics
History of the Revolution
History & Biographies.

                         GENERAL:  books

Aristotle. Ethics and Politics.

Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations.

Babbitt, Irving. _Democracy and Leadership_ and Rousseau and Romanticism. An analysis of modern cultural and spiritual tendencies and proposed remedies.

Burke, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France.

Burnham, James. _The Suicide of the West_ (1965); _The Managerial Revolution (1941). Antecedents to theory of bureaucratic elites set forth in the latter book are VilfredoPareto, Gaetano Mosca, and Robert Michels.

Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought. A good source for long-ignored and difficult-to-obtain texts.

Campbell, Francis Stuart [aka Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn]. The Menace of the Herd, or Procrustes at Large. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing, 1943. A very learned and vigorous critique of mass politics from a European, Catholic perspective.

Confucius. Analects (another translation). An example of tradition- based thought at its best.

Eliot, T.S. _Notes toward the Definition of Culture_.

Gress, David. _From Plato to NATO: The Idea of the West and Its Opponents_ (Free Press, 1988). Argues that Western Civilization is not the simple story told by neocons and cold warriors, but is a complex mosaic of Greek, Roman, Christian and Germanic influences.

Schoeck, Helmut. _Envy_ (Liberty Press). An analysis of the driving force behind much left-wing politics.

Francis, Sam. _Beautiful Losers_. The unfortunate state of American conservatism.

George Grant. _Lament for a Nation_, _English-Speaking Justice_, and _Technology and Empire_.

Huxley, Aldous, _Brave New World_. What happens when the transcendent is stripped out of society.

Jouvenal, Bertrand de, _On Power: Its Nature and The History of Its Growth_. Beacon Press, Boston, 1962. An analysis of how the modern state ended up where it is.

Kendall, Willmore, _The Conservative Affirmation in America_ (available from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute); _Willmoore Kendall Contra Mundum_.

Ibn Khaldun, _Muqaddimah_. The greatest work of the 14th century Tunisian who invented value-free social science in order to understand the rise and fall of political societies, in particular multicultural societies in decline such as his own.

Kirk, Russell, _The Conservative Mind from Burke to Eliot_.

Lindbom, Tage. _The Tares and the Good Grain_. A comprehensive and fundamental criticism of modern secularism by a man who was once a leading intellectual in the Swedish social democratic party. Also _The Myth of Democracy_.

Locke, John. Second Treatise of Government. Should we follow most American conservatives and retain Locke because he inspired the American order or reject him as part of the liberal tradition?

Ludovici, Anthony. _Defense of Aristocracy: A Text Book for Tories_ (1915) London: Constable; _A Defense of Conservatism: A Further Text-Book for Tories_ (London: Faber and Gwyer, 1921). Also, _The Specious Origins of Liberalism. London: Britons, 1967. Utterly refreshing massacre of most liberal nostrums, especially those relating to equality. Almost every book by this author is worth reading. Most are available at

Maistre, Joseph de. _Works_. The most admired French counterrevolutionary thinker. See his _Considerations on France_, _Generative Principles of Political Contitutions_, and _St. Petersburg Dialogues_, all available here.

MacIntyre, Alasdair. _After Virtue_ (Notre Dame, 1981). An exploration of the collapse of moral order in the modern period.

Maine, Henry. Popular Government.

Marx, Karl. _Works_. If you want to understand the revolution, you have to read him. Available here, there and elsewhere on the net.

Molnar, Thomas. _The Counter-Revolution_ (Funk & Wagnalls, 1969). A general study of counterrevolutionary thought and the reasons for its pragmatic failure. _Utopia, the Perennial Heresy_ (Sheed and Ward, 1967). _Authority and its Enemies_ (Arlington House, 1976). _Twin Powers: Politics and the Sacred_ (Eerdmans, 1988). What happens when the sacred vanishes?

More, Paul Elmer. _Shelburne Essays_ (Phaeton Press, 1967). _The Essential Paul Elmer More_, ed. Byron C. Lambert (Arlington House, 1972). Like Irving Babbitt, a New Humanist who emphasized the "inner check" in opposition to modern expansiveness and an extraordinary critic who must be read today. Many works are available here.

Michels, Robert. Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy; _First Lectures in Political Sociology_. The formulator of the Iron Law of Oligarchy.

Newman, John Henry. An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent and An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. Classic discussions of how to combine the particularity of tradition and the personal an situated with the universality of truth.

Nisbet, Robert, _The Quest For Community: A Study In The Ethics of Order and Freedom._ Oxford University Press, 1953. Explores how individualism and statism have flourished while the primary sources of human community have grown weaker. _The Present Age_. indispensible in understanding the triumph of a centralist regime. _Prejudices_, a "philosophical dictionary." _Conservatism_ (University of Minnesota Press, 1986), a good brief discussion, more analytical than historical.

Oakeshott, Michael. _Rationalism in Politics_. A consideration of the issue by the leading post World War II conservative thinker.

Ortega y Gasett, Jose. Revolt of the Masses.

Pareto, Vilfredo. _Mind and Society_. Sets forth his theory of the circulation of elites. (May be available here.)

Lord Percy of Newcastle: The Heresy of Democracy. A study in the History of Government (London, 1954). A conservative criticism of the new Democracy of 1789 which puts forward the alternative of the Moral State based on Dualism as opposed to Totalism.

G. Groen van Prinstrerer, _Unbelief and Revolution_. A major work by the founder of the Anti-Revolutionary Party in the Netherlands.

Plato. Republic and Laws. Among its excellencies the _Republic_ includes (in books viii and ix) a penetrating account of social and political evolution, from military aristocracy through commercial oligarchy to democratic consumer society and then to tyranny.

Rousseau, J.-J. Social Contract and other writings.

Ryn, Claes. _The New Jacobinism_. Centralism vs decentralism, and the need for cultural and social continuity and local control.

Schmitt, Carl. _The_Concept_of_the_Political_. Trans. George Schwab. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996. _The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy_ (MIT Press 1992), _Political Theology_ (MIT Press 1988), _Political Romanticism_ (MIT Press 1986). Also see Carl Schmitt: Politics and Theory, by Paul Gottfried (New York: Greenwood Press, 1990), _Roman Catholicism and Political Form_, trans. G. L. Ulmen, Greenwood Press, 1996, and recent English language articles on Carl Schmitt in TELOS and POLITICAL THEORY.

Scruton, Roger. _The Philospher on Dover Beach_ (essays), _The Meaning of Conservatism_ (the first edition is more CR than the second), _An Intelligent Person's Guide to Modern Culure_ and _Sexual Desire_.

Solzhenitsyn, A. I. (ed.). _From Under the Rubble_. Solzhenitsyn's own articles in the collection are that very rare thing, intelligent and illuminating essays on nationalism.

Sorokin, Pitirim A. _The Crisis of Our Age_ (1941). Presents his cyclical view of history, in which cultures move from ideational (religious) to sensate (empirical) phases, and his analysis of the current disintegration of sensate culture.

Spengler, Oswald. Decline of the West.

Stephen, James FitzJames. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

Strauss, Leo. His books, devoted to recovery of classical political philosophy, provide a useful perspective on the modern situation.

Tainter, Joseph A., _The Collapse Of Complex Societies_. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Provides an anthropological discussion of the collapse of large civilizations relevant to decline-of-the-west theories.

Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America.

Weaver, Richard. _Ideas Have Consequences_.

Wood, James N., Democracy and the Will to Power. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1921. A fascinating book by an unusual thinker. Highly critical of women's suffrage.

Voegelin, Eric. _The New Science of Politics_.

                         GENERAL:  Articles

Berlin, Isaiah.  "Joseph de Maistre and the Origins of Fascism", in _The 
     Crooked Timber of Humanity_.  An eminent liberal's account of how 
     de Maistre fits into his understanding of things.
John Grigg:  Nobility & War, _Encounter_ March 1990 Vol.  74 No. 2
     An interesting discussion on whether Britain was more or less
     moral in the First or the Second World War. 
Wilmoore Kendall.  "The People of Athens vs Socrates Revisited"; "The 
     Two Majorities" (_Midwest Journal of Political Science_, Nov. 1960, 
     pp. 317-345); John Locke Revisited (_Intercollegiate Review_, 
     Jan.-Feb. 1966  pp. 217-234); The People versus Socrates 
     Revisited _Modern Age_ (Winter 58-59, pp. 98-111).

                         GENERAL:  Other Sources

_Guide to the American Right_, compiled by Laird Wilcox (Editorial 
     Research Service, PO Box 2047, Olath, KS 66061).  $24.95.
     A directory (updated annually) of over 3,300 anti-communist, 
     conservative, patriotic, tax protest, pro-family, libertarian, 
     ethnic (white) nationalist and other "right-wing" organizations, 
     publishers, book dealers, newsletters, and journals in the United 
     States and Canada.  Listings are coded to indicate special areas of 
     interest and serials are cross-indexed with sponsoring 
     organizations.  Includes a bibliography of over 540 books on the 
     American "right-wing".

_The Right Guide: A Guide to Right-of-Center Organizations_.  (1997) 
     Describes itself as "the most complete source of information on the 
     organizations and publications that make up the conservative, free 
     market, and traditional values movement."  Lists over 3400 groups, 
     of which over 830 are profiled in depth.  Available from Economics 
     America, Inc., 612 Church Street, Ann Arbor, MI  48104, or by 
     calling (800) 878-6141.  $49.95, including UPS shipping.


James Aho: _The Politics of Righteousness_ (1990, University of Washington Press).

Hugh Akins: Christian Order and the Modern World.

Aquinas, Thomas. _Works_, especially his political writings.

Alan J. Barron: _The Death of Eve_ The effects of "women's liberation" on Western society. Attacks the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women and "equal opportunities".

Hilaire Belloc: Europe and the Faith. What made Europe? The significance of Christendom. The Great Heresies. Explaination of 5 heresies including Islam and how they effected Christendom. The Jews. An examination of the causes of friction between Gentile and Jew. _How the Reformation Happened_. Spiritual, military, financial and political backgrounds. Survivals and New Arrivals. Who attacks Christianity and what we must do to rebuild it.

L. Brent Bozell: _Mustard Seeds_ (Trinity Communications).

Emil Brunner: _Christianity and Civilization_.

Hedrickus Berkof: _Christ the Meaning of History_.

G.K. Chesterton: What's Wrong with the World? (1910) Discusses the family, imperialism, feminism, education.

Corneliu Codreanu: For My Legionaries. The story of the Iron Guard in Romania as told by its leader. Many are still inspired by this book.

Plinio Correa de Oliveira: Revolution and Counter Revolution. An inspired analysis of the forms that the Revolution has taken and an examination of valid Counter Revolutionary responses. "What does Self-Managing Socialism mean for Communism - A Barrier? Or a Bridgehead?" Crusade for a Christian Civilization Vol 12 No 3 Apr-Jun 1982). "Unperceived Idelological Transshipment and Dialogue" (also Crusade for a Christian Civilization Vol 12 No. 2, Oct-Dec 1982 originally Port. Baldeaco Ideologica Inadvertida e Dialogo). "Indian Tribalism, the Communist-Missionary Ideal for Brazil in the Twenty-First Century" (also Crusade for a Christian Civilization Vol. 10 No. 4 / Vol. 11 No. 1 (joint publication)). "Agrarian Reform - A Question of Conscience" Shows how socialist agrarian reform offends against Catholic doctrine. "In Defense of Catholic Action." An attack on the infiltration of progressive ideology with the Catholic Church.

Christopher Dawson: _Christianity in East and West_, _Progress and Religion_, _Religion and the Rise of Western Culture_, _Religion and the Modern State_.

Homer Duncan: _Secular Humanism_. On Anti-Christian secular education.

T. S. Eliot: _Idea of a Christian Society_. A long essay or short book discussing concept and general form. After strange gods : a primer of modern heresy.

Rev. Denis Fahey: The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World (3rd ed. 1939, rpd Omni Publications, Hawthorne California, 1987) An extremely important book for all concerned with restoring the Social Reign of Christus Rex (Christ the King). The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation. The Social Rights of Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ the King. The Kingship of Christ According to the Principles of St Thomas Aquinas.

Grady: Abortion - _Yes or No?_ Pro-life booklet which sets out the case against abortion.

Solange Hertz: The Start Spangled Heresy - Americanism (Veritas Press, Santa Monica, CA) Traces the source of many ills such as democratism, revolutionary liberalism and religious pluralism in the contemporary Church to the influence of the heresy of Americanism (that the liberal and democractic assumptions of the USA should be applied to the Church) on the Second Vatican Council.

James Hitchcock: Years of Crisis. Collected Essays, 1970-1983 (Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1985) Discusses many topics affecting Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular in an increasing secular modern America.

Douglas Jerrold: The Necessity of Freedom. Notes on Christianity and Politics (London, 1939) Concerns the restoration of Christian authority and freedom against the ideas of 1789.

James B. Jordan, The Bible and the Nations (Biblical Horizons, P. O. Box 132011, Tyler, Texas 75713, USA, 1988). A Calvinist theology of nationhood. Also see The Bible and the Nations, by Jean-Marc Berthoud , a Calvinist, anti- political universalism treatise: "The Bible clearly knows nothing of the modern (and ancient) idea of a universal society made up of atomistic individuals organically unrelated to one another and constituting an undifferentiated and anarchic international community.... What then is the biblical theology of the nations?"

C.S. Lewis: The Abolition of Man.

McIlhenny, Chuck and Donna and York, Frank. _When The Wicked Seize A City_ (Huntington House, 1993). McIlhenny's Presbyterian church fires its homosexual organist and gets fire-bombed by zealots.

Malcolm Muggeridge: _Great Liberal Deathwish_.

Oden, Thomas. _Requiem: A Lament in Three Movements_ (Abingdon, 1995); _Two Worlds: Notes on the Death of Modernity in America & Russia_ (InterVarsity Press, 1992); _Systematic Theology_ (3 vol; _The Living God_, _The Word of Life_, _Life in The Spirit_; all Harper). Methodist theologian Oden is the father of Paleo-Orthodoxy. He rejected trendy modernism and calls for a return to Scripture and the church fathers.

Muncy, Mitchell, ed. _The End of Democracy?: The Judicial Usurpation of Politics: The Celebrated First Things Debate with Arguments Pro and Con and "The Anatomy of a Controversy" by Richard John Neuhaus. (Spence Publishing 1997) This book chronicles the spat that split First Things from the neoconservates.

Stephen Perks: _The Christian Philosophy of Education Explained_. C. Van Til's ideas applied to Education. _Christianity and Law: An Enquiry into the Influence of Christianity on the Developement of English Common Law_.

Rev. Pranaitis: The Talmud Unmasked. An examination of the Talmud and its anti-Christian basis.

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy: _I Am an Impure Thinker_. Essays introducing Rosenstock-Huessy's thought. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason is a specimen of the rationalistic ideal. In fact, however, God continually presents us with new challenges, and the true man is open to the future, responsive to what God sets before him, and willing to be changed. Thus, the true man's thinking is "impure." _Speech and Reality_. Rosenstock-Huessy's view of language. God is the Word, and man, as the image of God, "is" language. The study of how language works is the study of how people live and interact with one another, the world, and God. The impure thinker realizes that God speaks first, and we respond. _The Origin of Speech_. A slightly more advanced and systematic exploration of speech and reality. _Out of Revolution_. This is Rosenstock-Huessy's big, 800-page book on the history of Western civilization. _The Christian Future; or, The Modern Mind Outrun_. Rosenstock- Huessy realized in 1920 that Western Civilization is over. The future belongs to Christianity. God has a plan for history, a plan that makes sense and that is going to succeed. _Planetary Service_. Rosenstock-Huessy took seriously the gospel's call to live for others in service. This book is on how to organize service in your local community, and how not to do it.

Arnold Van Ruler, Calvinist trinitarianism and theocentric politics: essays toward a public theology.

Rousas J. Rushdoony: _The Foundations of Social Order_ (Presbyterian and Reformed, 1968); _The Institutes of Biblical Law_ (Philipsburg: The Craig Press, 1973); _Law and Society_ (Vallecito, California: Ross House Books, 1982); _Law and Liberty_ (The Craig Press, 1971); _Salvation and Godly Rule_ (Ross House Books, 1983); _The Roots of Reconstruction_ (Ross House Books, 1991). Rushdoony is the father of Christian Reconstruction.

Klass Schilder. _Christ and Culture_,ed Avril Smith: The Voice of Christian Affirmation Thirteen talks given at conferences of the Christian Affirmation Campaign 1974-1986. (Christian Heritage Publications, Worthing, 1987) Includes talks by Michael Davies, Hamish Fraser, Rev. Arthur Lewis, Ray Honeyford, Prof Dr Peter Beyerhaus, Edmund Ball, Rev Francis Moss, John Braine, Rev Maurice cartledge, John Gouriet, Ian Thompson on a variety of subjects.

Chard Powers Smith: _Yankees and God_ (Hermitage, 1954). An idiosyncratic account of the progress of the Revolution (he does not phrase it that way) among the New England Puritans and their heirs.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Rebuilding Russia (1990) How Russia can be reconstructed.

Henry Van Til. _The Calvinist Concept of Culture_.

Tradition, Family & Property: Half a Century of Epic Anti-Communism (New York, 1981). The history of the founding of the TFPs and their campaigns for a Christian society.

Marion Michael Walsh: The New Christendom. How We will Build It Marion Michael Walsh: A Manual of Christian Social-Political Action Frederick Wilhelmson: _Christianity and Political Phiosophy_ (Athens, 1978).

Douglas Wilson: _Recovering The Lost Tools Of Learning_ (Crossway). This book, based on an essay by Dorothy L. Sayers, is the foundation behind the classical Christian school movement. The Christian Law Institute Position Papers, Releases and Reports

                       CATHOLIC TRADITIONALISM

M. Carre:  The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle.  How the Communists entered 
     seminaries to destroy the Church.
GK Chesterton:  Orthodoxy
     An explanation of Chesteron's belief in Christianity.
Piers Compton:  The Broken Cross
     Masonic infiltration within the Vatican. Some of the claims made
     in this book should be treated with care.
Rama P. Coomaraswamy:  The Destruction of the Christian Tradition
     (Perennial Books, London, 1981).  A short history of the appalling 
     debacle that has befallen the Roman Catholic Church form the time of 
     Vatican II.
Michael Davies:  Apologia pro Marcel Lefebvre
     Part I 1905-1976 (The Angelus Press, Dickinson, Texas, 1979)
     Part II 1977-1979 (The Angelus Press, Dickinson, Texas, 1983)
     A detailed 'blow-by-blow' account of the dispute between the
     former traditionalist Archbishop and the Vatican.
Michael Davies:  An Open Letter to a Bishop on the
     Development of the Roman Rite (Chulmleigh,Devon, 1980)
Michael Davies:  A Privilege of the Ordained (The Angelus
     Press, Dickinson, Texas, 1982)
Michael Davies:  The Goldfish Bowl:  The Church Since
     Vatican II (The Angelus Press, Dickinson, Texas, 1985)
Michael Davies:  St Athanasius. Defender of the Faith
     (The Angelus Press, Dickinson, Texas, 1985)
Michael Davies:  The Legal Status of the Tridentine Mass
     (The Angelus Press, Dickinson, Texas, 1982)
Michael Davies:  The Catechetical Revolution. Blessing or
     Disaster (The Antony Roper Memorial Lecture, 1984)
Michael Davies:  Archbishop Lefebvre and Religious
     Liberty (Augustine Publishing Co, Chulmleigh, Devon, 1980)
     The above 7 booklets by Michael Davies deal with the
     contemporary crisis in the Church in the wake of Vatican 2 and
     related matters.
Michael Davies:  The Second Vatican Council and Religious Liberty
     (Neumann Press, Long Prairie, Minnesota)
     Examines how the traditional teaching of the Church on religious
     liberty was distorted at the Second vatican Council under the
     influence of Americanism amongst others.
Marcel Lefebvre:  A Bishop Speaks
Marcel Lefebvre:  An Open Letter to Confused Catholics
     (tr The Society of St Pius X - Great Britain, Angelus
     Press, Dickinson, Texas, 1987)
Marcel Lefebvre:  They Have Uncrowned Him. From
     Liberalism to Apostasy. The Conciliar Tragedy (tr
     Reverend Father Gregory Post, Angelus Press, Dickinson, Texas, 1988)
Fr. Francis Marsden:  _Weaving a Web of Confusion_ (Parents' Concern,
     16 St Mary Court, Faversham, Kent ME13 8AZ, 2.50 pounds).
     A booklet examining the failure of current religious syllabi to
     actually teach the Catholic faith in favour of false religions.
Malachi Martin:  _Windswept House_.  A novel of the Vatican in which 
     most influential cardinals want to make the Chuch a susidiary of 
     the NWO and the inner circle are outright satanists.  If you can't 
     figure out immediately who a particular character is modelled on do 
     a web search for a list.
Count Leon de Poncins:  Judaism and the Vatican
     Describes the eternal conflict between Judaism and Christianity
     and how the 2nd Vatican Council was affected.
Count Leon de Poncins:  Freemasonry and the Vatican
     The secret Freemasonic attacks on the Church.


Fr. Michael Azkoul:  _Sacred Monarchy and the modern secular state_.
Robert Beum: Ultra-Royalism Revisited:  An Annotated Bibliography with 
     a Preface, _Modern Age_, v. 39, no. 3, pp. 290-316 (Summer 1997).  
     A "must" for all seriously interested in the Right.
Jacques Bossuet: _Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture_. 
     The classic French statement of divine right absolutism.  Available
     as part of the Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought
Warren Carrol: _The Cross and the Guillotine_
Plinio Correa de Oliveira:   Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites in 
     the Allocutions of Pius XII.
Yves Dupont:  More about the Great Monarch (Tenet Books, Hawthorne,
John Farthing:  Freedom wears a Crown (Toronto, 1957)
     A presentation of the constitutional power and significance
     of the British Crown. A study of constitutional monarchy.
Marquis de la Franquerie:  Le Caractere Sacre et Divin de la Royaute en
     France (Editions de Chire, Vouille, 1978)     
Marquis de la Franquerie:  Louis XVI le Roi Martyr (Editions Resiac, 
     Montsurs, 1974)
Solange Hertz:  The Strange Spirit of '76 (Big Rock Papers, 1975)
Solange Hertz:  The Thought of His Heart (Big Rock Papers, 1975)
Solange Hertz:  Louis XVI, Royal Martyr and Victim (Big Rock Papers, 1979)
James VI and I.  _Political Writings_.  A collection of works detailing the
      monarch's philosophy of moderated absolutism.  Available as part of the
      Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought series. 
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn:  _Liberty or Equality: The Challenge of Our 
     Time_ Christendom Press: Front Royal, VA 1992.  (A reprint of the 
     1952 original with a preface by Russell Kirk)
Constantin Pobedonostsev:  _Reflections of a Russian Statesman_.

                    DISTRIBUTISM, ECONOMICS

Hilaire Belloc:  The Alternative
     An reprinted article originally from _St George's Review_ which
     explains that socialism is no alternative to capitalism and that
     puts the case for distributism.
Hilaire Belloc:  The Crisis of Civilisation.  What's wrong with society 
     -- usury, competition, money and slavery.
Hilaire Belloc:  Economics For Helen.
     Re-published by the St George Educational Trust. Economics and the
     myths that surround it.
Hilaire Belloc:  Restoration of Property (1936)
     An essay [78pp] which argues against both Communism and Capitalism.
Hilaire Belloc:  The Servile State (1912)
     An attack on socialism and statism.
H. Belloc and C. Chesterton:  The Party System.  Re-published by the St 
     George Educational Trust. How the Westminster system is corrupt and 
     impossible to change from within.
Carlos Patricio del Campo:  _Is Brazil Sliding Toward the Extreme Left?_
     How left-wing policies threaten to ruin the properity of
G.K. Chesterton: The Outline of Sanity
     Classic Distributist work. Argues for the wide-spread ownership
     of property as the economic way forward which will preserve
     the individual and family.
Rev. Cleary:  The Church & Usury
     The history of the opposition of the Church to usury.
Cobbett:  Cottage Economy 
     The alternative to the concentration of economic wealth and
     power in the hands of a few - small businesses and a return to
     honesty and craftsmanship.
Rev. Charles Coughlin:  Money - Questions and Answers
     Father Coughlin, the famous "radio priest" answers questions on
Rev. Denis Fahey:  Workingmen's Guilds of the Middle Ages
Rev. Denis Fahey:  _Money Manipulation and Social Order_
Rev. Denis Fahey:  _The Church and Farming_
Olive & Jan Grubiak:  The Guernsey Experiment.
     A booklet [25pp] on how Guernsey freed itself from usury
     and high taxation.
Aidan MacKay:  Hilaire Belloc and his Critics
     Available from the GK Chesterton Study Centre - vide list of 
     organisations. An introduction to Hilaire Belloc and
     Distributism in booklet form [26pp].
Aidan MacKay:  The Wisdom of G.K. Chesterton
     A short introduction [15pp] to Chesterton and his Distributist
A. Penty:  The Guild Alternative
     Re-published by the St George Educational Trust. Shows how the 
     modern world can benefit from the Guild System and its just and 
     fixed prices.
Wilhelm Roepke.  _Humane Economy: Social Framework of the Free Market_, 
     and _The Social Crisis of Our Time_.  Unlike most classical 
     liberals, Roepke was a devout Christian who agreed with 
     Distributists that the bigness characterizing capitalist economies 
     was detrimental to freedom and Christian values.  On the other 
     hand, he believed an unfettered market provided the best basis on 
     which to safeguard this freedom.  The books are a resource for 
     people who are willing to accept Distributism's critique of modern 
     society but who can't buy into the "Third Way."
E.F. Schumacher:  Small is Beautiful
     The anti-social effects of big business and the need for small
     family properties.
E.F. Schumacher:  A Guide for the Perplexed
E. Soddy:  Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Reality
     A study of money and credit.
Gary North:  Salvation Through Inflation: The Economics of Social 
     Credit.  Tyler, TX; Institute For Christian Economics, 1993.
     A comparison of Austrian economics and social credit theory.

                       HISTORY OF THE REVOLUTION

Norman Cohn:  _The Pursuit of the Millennium_.  Like _The Socialist 
     Phenomenon_, (below) exposes the perennial attraction and tendency
     toward fanaticism of millennarian and utopian schemes and how such
     ideologies produced destructive revolutionary movements.
Robert Conquest:  _The Great Terror_ (mass murder in 1930s Russia) and 
     _Harvest of Sorrow_ (an account of the Ukraine famine which killed 
William Gayley Simpson:  _Which Way Western Man?_ (1978).  A lengthy 
     historical discussion involving religion, anthropology, race, 
     communism, the money power, the New World Order, various 
     philosophies east and west.
D. Manifold:  Karl Marx - True or False Prophet?
     A critical analysis of the life of Karl Marx and his part in the
Igor Shafarevich:  _The Socialist Phenomenon_.
Nesta H. Webster:  The French Revolution
     The causes and effects of the French Revolution - corrects many
Nesta H. Webster:  The Socialist Network (London, 1926)
     The links between socialist organisations and people.
     Probably somehat dated to be of more than historical use.
Nesta H. Webster:  Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (1924, rpd
     Christian Book Club of America, 197?)
     An account of masonic and other subversive movements from the
     Middle Ages to the early Twentieth Century.
Nesta H. Webster:  World Revolution. The Plot against Civilization
     (London, 1921)
     Details the links between the Illuminati, the French
     Revolution and their modern ideological descendants.
Nesta H. Webster:  Surrender of an Empire (3rd edition, 1931)
     Details the attacks launched against the British Empire in
     order to bring abouts its downfall as a stumbling block to
     Communist expansion. 

                         HISTORY & BIOGRAPHIES

Books by counterrevolutionaries, about counterrevolutionaries and
studies of the Revolution and Counterrevolution in action.

Carlos de Arce:  _Los Generales de Franco_ (Barcelona, 1984)
     An account of the generals who fought on the Nationalist side
     during the Spanish Crusade.
D. Bacu:  _The Anti-Humans_
     The story of the Romanians who had followed Cornelie Codreanu
     after the Bolseheviks took power.
David Baker:  _Ideology of Obsession:  A.K. Chesterton and British 
Hilaire Belloc:  _Cramner_ and James II.  Accounts of two pivotal 
     figures that differ from those written by the winners.
Luis Bolin:  _Spain - The Vital Years_ (J.B. Lippincott Company, 1967)
     The account of the author's participation in the Spanish
     Crusade (a.k.a. Spanish Civil War) including his part in aiding
     Franco at the start of the war.
Salvador Borrego:  _Puzzling Neighbours - A Historical Guide to
     Understanding Modern Mexico_
     An account of how Masonic forces have attacked and weakened
Whittaker Chambers:  _Witness_.  The best written work on American 
G.K. Chesterton:  Autobiography
Corneliu Codreanu:  _Nest Leaders Manual_
     Organisational handbook of the Iron Guard.
Corneliu Codreanu:  _Circulars & Manifestoes_
     It records the victories and defeats, bitterness and pain, hopes
     and joys, but always the moral brilliance and the honour of the
     man who led the Legion.
Barbara Cole:  _The Elite - The Story of the Rhodesian Special Air 
     The story of this crack anti-terrorist unit during the Rhodesian
     struggle against Communism.
Martin Conway:  _Collaboration in Belgium - Leon Degrelle and the Rexist 
     Movement_ (Yale, 1993).
Jay P. Corrins:  _GK Chesterton & Hilaire Belloc.  The Battle Against
     Modernity_ (Ohio, 1981)
Ian Crowther: _ G.K. Chesterton_ (Thinkers of Our Time, The Claridge Press,
     London, 1991)
     An introduction to Chesterton and his philosophy concentrating
     on his Christian worldview and its relevance today.
Leon Daudet (son of Alphonse Daudet).  _The Stupid XIXth Century_.  
     Considered one of the greatest counter-revolutionary tracts ever 
     written, skewering liberalism, scientism, and "progressive"
     thinking of all stripes.
Donald Day:  _Onward Christian Soldiers_
     A correspondent for The Chicago Tribune in Europe, Day reports
     on the Bolshevik subversion in the Baltic states before and
     during the Second World War.
Degrelle:  _Persiste et Signe. Interviews recueilles pour la
     television francaise par Jean-Michel Charlier_ (Editions Jean
     Picollec, Paris, 1985).
     In a series of interviews, Leon Degrelle details his youth, his
     activities as the leader of Rex in Belgium, his struggle during
     the war and his subsequent exile in Spain.
Leon Degrelle:  _Campaign in Russia_
     A more detailed account of Degrelle's campaigns in Russia as a
     political soldier.
Leon Degrelle:  _Letter to the Pope on his Visit to Auschwitz_
Leon Degrelle:  _Hitler - Born at Versailles_.
     Traces the causes and results of the First World War in the
     shaping of the 20th century.
F.C.C Egerton:  _Salazar. Rebuilder of Portugal_ (London, 1943)
     A description of the Portugese state and its ruler Antonio de
     Oliveira Salazar.
Mike Hoare:  _Congo Mercenary_ (London, 1967)
     An account of the campaign against the communist rebellion in
     the Congo (shortly after the UN suppression of Katanga) by 'Mad
     Mike', the leader of the mercenaries.
Michael Ffinch:  _G.K. Chesterton. A Biography_ (London, 1986)
W. Foss & C. Gerahty:  _The Spanish Arena_ (Catholic Book Club, London)
     A contemporary account of the Spanish Crusade.
L. Fry:  _Waters Flowing Eastward_
     Eye-witness account of the Bolshevik Revolution and its causes.
Hale, William Bayard.  The Story of a Style.  New York:  B.W. Huebsch, 
     1920.  A very amusing and insightful lampoon of the premiere 20th 
     c. American liberal:  Woodrow Wilson.  The author reveals how 
     Wilson's pompous, adjective-laden speech indicates a mind filled 
     with cliches and fairy tales.
Solange Hertz:  _Dicovering Cristabal Colon_ (Supplement to Apropos No 12)
     Seeking the real Christopher Columbus amongst the lies and
     detractions of his enemies.
David Irving:  _Uprising! - One Nations Nightmare:  Hungary 1956_
     The story of the revolt of the Hunagrian people against
     the Communist regime.
Siegfried Kappe-Hardenberg:  _Ein Mythos wird Zerstoert - Der Spanische
     Buergerkrieg, Guernica, und di Antideutsche Propaganda_
     A refutation of the myth of Guernica as portrayed by the Red
     propaganda campaign.
Michael Kenny S.J.:  _No God Next Door - Red Rule in Mexico and Our
     Responsibility_ (Wm. J. Hirten Co, 1935; rpd C.S.G. & Associates
     Rancho Palos Verdes, CA)
     First published in 1935, this book has been recently reissued. 
     It describes the sufferings of the Cristeros inflicted by the
     Masonic-Socialist alliance (with American backing).
Jesus Salas Larrazabal:  _Guernica_ (Libros de Historia 22, Ediciones Rialp,
     Madrid, 1987)
     Examines the myth of Guernica from a neutral viewpoint and
     concludes that the actual facts of the bombing raid bear no
     relation to what was later reported outside the local area in a
     world-wide propaganda campaign.
Father Arthur Lewis:  _Christian Terror_
     Details communist terrorist atrocities during the Rhodesian
     bush war and the financial backing given to the perpetrators by
     the World Council of Churches.
John Lukacs, _The End of the Twentieth Century_.  Lukacs argues that the 
     two world wars, fought over nationalism, were the watershed events 
     of the twentieth century and that Adolph Hitler, rather than Lenin 
     or Mao, was the most radical revolutionary of the century.
Hon. Mrs Maxwell-Scott:  _Garcia Moren~o, the Regenerator of Ecuador_
Geoffrey Moss (Major Geoffrey McNeil-Moss):  _The Epic of the Alcazar_.
     A History of the Siege of the Toledo Alcazar, 1936 (London,
     A day-by-day account of this famous siege during the Spanish
Eustace Mullins:  _Ezra Pound - This Difficult Individual_
     An insight into 'the most difficult years of this difficult
Ezra Pound (ed DD Paige):  _Selected Letters 1907-1941
Ezra Pound:  _Selected Prose 1909-1965_
     A selection of Pounds political and literary writings.  Includes
     _ABC of Economic_, _Murder by Capital_, _National Culture -
     A Manifesto_ and commentaries on Eliot, Buchan and others.
Ronnett, Alexander E., M.D.  _Romanian_Nationalism:_The_Legionary_ 
     _Movement_.  Trans. Vasile C. Barsan, Ph.D.  Chicago: Loyola 
     University Press, 1974.  [A history of the Legion of the 
     Archangel Michael.  Ronnett, _ne'_ Rachmistriuc, is a Legionary 
     who escaped to Chicago.]
Hippolyte A. Taine: The Origins of Contemporary France.
     A description and analysis of events in France between 1750 and
Tolstoy:  _Victims of Yalta_.
     How anti-Communist fighters were repatriated by the British
     after the war to face torture and death.
Maisie Ward:  Gilbert Keith Chesterton (London, 1944)
     The official authorised biography.
E. Waugh:  _Robbery under Law - the Mexican Object-Lesson_ (Catholic
     Book Club, London, 1940)
     A sketch of Mexico during the 1930's detailing the attacks on
     private property and the Church.
Robert Wilson:  Last Days of the Romanovs (1920).
     An investigation by a journalist into the murder of Czar
     Nicholas and his family.

Table of Contents:

United Nations, New World Order, Communism, and Other Conspiracies
American Old Right
Southern Nationalist/Agrarian and Neo-Confederate
European New Right and Related
Third Positionist
Populist, Nationalist, Separatist, and Beyond


Is the Revolution simply a series of unconnected waves in society?  Are 
there sociological or philosophical connexions between the different 
directions and emphases of the Revolution?  Or is there a guiding hand 
behind the scenes?  Many will find some of the books in this section 

Gary Allen:  None Dare Call it Conspiracy
     The secrets behind the World Revolution and the hidden
     financial influences of manipulators behind the scenes.
Gary Allen:  Say 'No' to the New World Order
     How the West has helped Communist regimes.
Ivor Benson:  The Zionist factor
     An examination of the Zionist impact on the 20th century.
James Billington:  Fire in the Minds of Men - Origins of the
     Revolutionary Faith (1980)
     Discloses the part played by Illuminism in the French and
     Bolshevik Revolutions.
Samuel Blumenfeld:  The Rhodes Legacy: Are Its Agents Shaping Americas 
Eric D. Butler:  Red Pattern of World Conquest (1961)
     An examination of the UN and the One World Government.
AK Chesterton:  The New Unhappy Lords
     GK's cousin examines international finance and the power it is
     able to obtain and the global assault on Nationalism. 
AK Chesterton:  Facing The Abyss
     The treason within our governments in their support for a "world
Dennis Laurance Cuddy:  Secret Records Revealed: The Men, the Money and 
     the Methods Behind the New World Order.
ed Ronald Duncan & Colin Wilson:  Marx Refuted. The Verdict of History
     (Ashgrive Press, Bath, 1987)
     A selection of anti-Marxist writings from a variety of (mainly
     liberal-conservative) viewpoints including Hayek, Thatcher,
     Flew, Rowse, Solzhenitsyn,
Fr. D. Fahey:  Rulers of Russia.  Who ruled Russia?  The answers are 
Paul Findley:  They Dare to Speak Out
     An examination of the powerful Zionist lobby in American
Goldsmith, Sir James, _The Trap_.  A skeptical view of the New World 
G. Edward Griffin:  The Fearful Master. A Second Look at the United
     Nations (1964).
     Attacks the double standards guiding the UN. Uses Katanga as a
     case study in which the UN troops inflicted atrocities as they
     crushed the attempt by Katanga to become an independent state
     from the rest of the Belgian Congo.
Rev W. Hannah:  Darkness Visible
     An expose of the evils of Freemasonry from an Anglo-Catholic 
     Priest .
Douglas Hyde:  I believed. The autobiography of a Former British
     Communist (London, 1950)
     The story of a communist and his work and his eventual
     conversion to Catholicism.
Inter-City Researchers:  The Longest Hatred. An Examination of
     Anti-Gentilism (London, 1991)
     This booklet looks at the phenomenon of anti-gentilism.
Kitty Little:  Mammon versus God. The Bankers "New World" Disorder
     (London, 1993)
     This booklet [30pp] examines usury, the power of international
     finance over national governments and the undermining of
Arthur Koestler:  The Thirteenth Tribe
     Shows that the majority of Jews are in fact descended from the
     Khazar tribe which converted to Judaism.
Robert W. Lee:  United Nations Conspiracy
     The real purpose of the UN.
Alfred Lilienthal:  Zionist Connection II:  What Price Peace?
     Israel and the Zionist lobby examined from a critical
     viewpoint of an Anti-Zionist Jew.
Deirdre Manifold:  Karl Marx - A Prophet of Our Time (CSG & Associates
     Rancho Palos Verdes, CA)
     A concise history of Marx, his Satanic doctrine and its effects
     including the Church through the medium of Liberation Theology.
Deirdre Manifold:  Fatima and the Great Conspiracy
     Sketches the destruction of civilisation, the forces
     responsible and an answer to the malaise.
Deirdre Manifold:  Towards World Government - New World Order (Firinne
     Publications, Galway)
     Analyses what lies behind the changes in Russia. A sequel to
     Fatima and the Great Conspiracy. 
Count Leon de Poncins:  State Secrets
     A selection of state documents which illustrate some of the
     forces which have shaped this century.
Count Leon de Poncins:  Secret Powers behind Revolution
     A study of the influences behind modern revolution and
Prof Carroll Quigley:  Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World In Our 
     An 'insider's view on the global money-power and how governments
     are manipulated.
     Also: The Anglo-American Establishment
Captain A.H. Ramsey:  The Nameless War
     Details the secret war against Europe. The author was gaoled
     during the 1940's without charge despite being a Conservative
     Member of Parliament.
Douglas Reed:  The Controversy of Zion
     This book reveals the real nature of Zionism.
Bernard Smith:  The Fraudulent Gospel. Politics and the World Council 
     of Churches (new edition, 1990)
     The World Council of Churches and its support for communist
     terrorism in Africa - this book gives the facts about the WCC's
     political activities. This is a recent edition of a book first
     issued some years ago.
Bernard Smith:  The Crooked Conscience
     Another work on the World Council of Churches and its support
     for communism in Africa.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn:  Alexander Solzhenitsyn Speaks to the West
     Contains 4 speeches from 1975 & 1978 warning of the real nature
     of the Soviet Union and the moral weakness of the West.
David Stevenson.  _The Origins of Freemasonry: Scotland's Century 1590- 
     1710_ (Cambridge University Press).  A good book on the subject of 
     masonic origins.
Stuart:  The Beast in the Temple
     An account of the world-wide corruption of morality and good
     order in society.
Stuart:  The Lemming Folk.
     A study of the enemy within Western society that seeks its
Prince Michael Sturdza:  Betrayal by Rulers
     The betrayals by Western rulers since the Second World War.
Alfredo G. A. Valladao:  _The Twentieth Century Will Be American_ by a 
     Brazilian social critic who likes the prospect of "World America."   
     Useful information and analysis.  "There is no longer an American 
     republic to defend. The universal democratic empire is up and 
James Webb.  _The Occult Underground_ and _The Occult Establishment_ 
     (Chicago, Opencourt Publishing).  Solidly researched histories of
     the background to modern occultism, at the 'who met whom and said
     what' level.  For example he traces the _Protocols of the Elders
     of Zion_ fraud to the occults who were attempting to manipulate
     the Tsar's court.
Richard Wurmbrand:  Was Karl Marx a Satanist?  (1976)
     Argues that there is evidence that Marx and other communist
     leaders were Satanists rather than Atheists as commonly

                           AMERICAN OLD RIGHT

Two excellent introductory books on the Old Right are Paul Gottfried's 
_The Conservative Movement_ and Justin Raimondo's _Reclaiming the 
American Right_.  Also see:

Cole, Wayne S.:  _Roosevelt & The Isolationists_ (Lincoln: Nebraska UP, 
     1983.)  Cole is the definitive historian of isolationism.  See also 
     his _America First_.
Gies, Joseph.  _Colonel Of Chicago_. (Dutton, 1979)  The most readable 
     and sympathetic biography of the Chicago Tribune's legendary 
     isolationist publisher, Colonel Robert McCormick.
Kirk, Russell and McClellan, James.  _The Political Principles Of 
     Robert A. Taft_. (NY: Fleet Press, 1967)

Books by John T. Flynn:

        _As We Go Marching_.  New York: Doubleday, 1944.
        _Country Squire In The White House_.
                New York: Doubleday, 1940.
        _The Decline of the American Republic_.
                New York: Devin-Adair, 1955.
        _The Epic of Freedom_.
                Philadelphia: Fireside Press, 1947.
        _The Lattimore Story_.
                New York: Devin-Adair, 1953.
        _McCarthy: His War On The Reds_.
                New York: America's Future, Inc., 1954.
        _The Road Ahead: America's Creeping Revolution_.
                New York: Devin-Adair, 1953.
        _The Roosevelt Myth_.
                New York: Devin-Adair, 1948.
        _While You Slept: Our Tragedy In Asia and Who Made
                It_. New York: Devin-Adair, 1951

Books by Garet Garrett:

        _The American Story_
                (Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1955).
        _The Cinder Buggy: A Fable in Iron and Steel_.
                (New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, 1923).
        The Driver. (New York:  E.P. Dutton & Company, 1922).
        _Ex America_.
                (Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Publishers,1951).
        _The People's Pottage_. (Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton
                Publishers, 1945).
        _The Revolution Was_. (Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Publishers, 
        _Where the Money Grows_.
                (New York: Harper 1911).

Books by Albert Jay Nock:

        _Memoirs of a Superfluous Man_,
                Chicago: Henry Regnery Co.,1969.
        _Our Enemy, The State_, (1935)
                Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton, 1946.
        _The State of the Union_

Other books by Old Right Authors:

        Bromfield, Louis.  A New Pattern For A Tired World.
                New York: Harper, 1954.
        Chodorov, Frank.  _One Is a Crowd: Reflections of An
                Individualist.  New York: Macmillan, 1940.
                _Fugitive Essays_ (Liberty Press, 1980).  Chodorov is a 
                transitional figure between the Old Right and the 
                Libertarian movement.  Contains several pro-isolationist 
                and anti-public education essays.
        Hayek, Friedrich. _The Road to Serfdom_., (1944)
                Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956.
        Lane, Rose Wilder.  _The Discovery of Freedom: Man's
                Struggle Against Authority.  New York: John Day, 1943.
        Von Mises, Ludwig. _Bureaucracy_., New Haven: Yale
                University Press, 1944.
        Von Mises, Ludwig. _Omnipotent Government_., New
                Haven: Yale University Press, 1955.
        Paterson, Isabel. _The God of the Machine_., New York:
                Putnam, 1943.
        Radosh, Ronald.  Prophets on the Right: Conservative
                Critics of American Globalism.  New York:
                Simon and Schuster, 1975.
        Rockwell, Lewellyn H. _The Case For Paleolibertarianism,
                and Realignment on the Right_.  Burlingame: Center For
                Libertarian Studies, 1990.
        Stenehjem, Michelle Flynn.  _An American First: John T. Flynn
                and the America First Committee.
                New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1976.


_Twelve Southerners:  I'll Take My Stand_. 
     The twelve Southerners consisted of Donald Davidson, John Gould
     Fletcher, H.B. Kline, Lyle H.  Lanier, Stark Young, Allen Tate, Andrew
     Nelson Lytle, H.C. Nixon, F.L.  Owsley, John Crowe Ranson, John Donald
     Wade, and Robert Penn Warren.
Bledsoe, Albert T., The War Between The States, or Was Secession a 
     Constitutional Right Prior To The War of 1861-1865?.  (Out of 
     Print; Available In Large Libraries).  An excellent introduction to 
     states rights and the  constitutionality of secession.
M. E. Bradford, _Remembering Who We Are: Observations of a Southern 
     Conservative_ (University of Georgia Press: Athens, GA 1985).  
     Indispensable to an understanding of the Agrarians)
M. E. Bradford, _Original Intentions: On the Making and Ratification of 
     the United States Constitution_ (University of Georgia Press:
     Athens, GA 1993).  Indispenable for understanding how far we have
     strayed.  _Against the Barbarians_. Southern nationalist essays.
Calhoun, John C., Disquisition On Government.  John C. Calhoun, 
     considered by many to be the greatest political theorist in 
     American history, outlines his theory of concurrent majorities.
Calhoun, John C. 1992.  _The Papers of John C. Calhoun_.
     ed. Clyde Wilson, New Brunswick, NJ: Transactions Publishers.
Craven, Avery.  _The Growth of Southern Nationalism_.
Curry, Jabez L.M., Civil History of the Government of the Confederate 
     States, With Some Personnel Reminiscences.  (Out of print; 
     available in large libraries).  A spirited defense of the men who
     drafted the Confederate States Constitution by a noted Alabama
     legislator and educator.
Curry, Jabez L.M.,  The Southern States of the American Union, 
     Considered In Their Relations To The Constitutions of the United
     States and to The Resulting Union. (Out of print; available in
     large libraries).  Sort of a _Readers Digest_ condensed version
     of Stephens' _A Constitutional View of the War Between The States_.
     Like Bledsoe, Curry offers a eloquent defense of the the
     sovereignty of the states and the constitutional right of
Dabney, Robert L., A Defense of Virginia and Through Her of the South.  
     Another eloquent defense of the Lost Cause by one of the South's
     leading divines.
Davidson, Donald.  _Attack on Leviathan_.
Davis, Jefferson.  The Rise and Fall of The Confederate Government, 
     Volumes I and II_.  President Davis' magnum opus. Similar to
     Stephens' _Constitutional View_, but offers several interesting
     insights in compact theory that Stephens omitted.
Davis, Varina H., Jefferson Davis, ex-President of the Confederate 
     States: A Memoir.  The Confederate first lady's passionate memoir
     of her husband.
Davis, William C., _ A Government of Our Own: The Making of The
Davis, William C., _Jefferson Davis, The Man and His Hour_.
DeRosa, Marshal L. 1991.  _The Confederate Constitution of 1861_
    University of Missouri Press.
Escott, Paul.  _After Secession: Jefferson Davis and the Failure of 
     Confederate Nationalism_.
Genovese, Eugene.  _The Slaveholders' Dilemma: Freedom and Progress in 
     Southern Conservative Thought_; _The Southern Front: History and 
     Politics in The Cultural War_; _The Southern Tradition_, Harvard, 
ed William C. Harvard & Walter Sullivan:  A Book of Prophets (1982)
Donald and Ronald Kennedy.  _The South Was Right!_; _Why Not Freedom?_
Kirk, Russell 1978.  _John Randolph of Roanoke: A Study in American
     Politics_  Indiapolis: Liberty Press.
Norwood, Thomas M.  A True Vindication of the South, in a Review of the 
     American Political Tradition.  (Out of print; available in some
     large libraries).
Rabel, George C.  _The Confederate Republic: A Revolution Against 
Rawle, William.  A View of the Constitution.  This splendid work on 
     constitutional history and theory, which defended the sovereignty
     of the states and secessionism, was a required textbook at West
     Point during the 1820's.  The author was a Northern abolitionist.
Stephens, Alexander.  A Constitutional View of the Late War Between the 
     States.  "Little Aleck," considered one of the greatest intellects 
     of the old South, offers a cogent argument that the Constitution of 
     1787 established a compact of sovereign states rather than a 
Thomas D. Young:  Waking their Neighbours Up (1982)
Thomas, Emory.  _The Confederate Nation: 1861-1865_.
Weaver, Richard M. 1991. _The Southern Essays of Richard M. Weaver_.
     ed. George M. Curtis and James J. Thompson.  Indianapolis: Liberty
Wilson, Clyde ed., _The Essential Calhoun_.  A primer to Calhounian 
Wilson, Clyde ed.:  Why the South will Survive (1981).


Alain de Benoist:
_Vu de Droite, Copernic 1977
_Les Idees a L'Endroit_, Libres-Hallier 1979
_Comment peut-on etre Paien?_, Albin Michel 1971
_Les Traditions d'Europe, Labyrinthe 1982
_L'Eclipse du Sacre, Table Ronde 1986
_Eroope, Tiers Monde:  Meme Combat, Robert Laffont 1986

John Casey, _Pagan Virtues_.  Casey is 'old right' in English terms and 
had quite a lot to do with the Salisbury Review in its earlier days.  
His book has no specific connection with the ENR, but is mentioned here 
because of the ENR interest in paganism.  He argues that there are 
'Pagan' (Classical world) virtues different from those engendered by 
Christianity and worth considering seriously.

Julius Evola:

Inner Traditions International,
Rochester, Vermont, has available in English _Meditations on the Peaks.
Mountain Climbing as Metaphor for the Spiritual Quest_ (1998), _The
Mystery of the Grail: Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit_
(1997), _The Doctrine of Awakening: The Attainment of Self- Mastery
According to the Earliest Buddhist Texts_ (1996), _The Hermetic
Tradition: Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art_ (1995), a work
commended by C.G. Jung, _Revolt Against the Modern World (1995), _The
Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way_ (1992), and _Eros and
the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex_ (1991)

The following works by Evola have been translated by Guido Stucco and 
are available from Holmes Publishing Group, P.O. Box 623, Edmonds, WA 

     _The_Path_of_Enlightenment_in_the_Mithraic_Mysteries_ (Alexandrian 
     Press, 1994); _Rene_Guenon:_A_Teacher_for_Modern_Times_ (Sure Fire 
     Press, 1994); _Taoism:_The Magic,_the_Mysticism_ (Oriental 
     Classics, 1995); and _Zen:_The_Religion_of_the_Samurai_ (Oriental 
     Classics, 1994).

A translation of Men Among Ruins is forthcoming from Storm, of 
Portland, OR.

A footnote in the translator's introduction to _The Yoga of Power_ lists 
the following scholarly articles on Evola:

           Drake, Richard.  "Julius Evola and the Ideological Origins of 
           the Radical Right in Contemporary Italy" in _Political 
           Violence and Terror:  Motifs and Motivations_.  Ed. Peter 
           Merkl.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.  61- 

           "Julius Evola, Radical Fascism, and the Lateran Accords."  
           _Catholic Historical Review_ 74 (1988): 403-419.

           "The Children of the Sun," in _The Revolutionary Mystique and  
           Terrorism in Contemporary Italy_.  Bloomington: Indiana 
           University Press, 1989.

           Sheehan, Thomas.  "_Diventare Dio_: Julius Evola and the 
           Metaphysics of Fascism."  _Stanford Italian Review_ 6 (1986): 

           "Myth and Violence: The Fascism of Julius Evola and Alain de 
           Benoist."  _Social Research_ 48 (Spring 1981): 45-73.

There are also the following articles, from an estoteric perspective, in 
_Gnosis_ 14 (Winter 1989-90):

           Waterfield, Robin.  "Baron Julius Evola and the Hermetic 
           Tradition." 12-17.

           Zolla, Elemire.  "The Evolution of Julius Evola's Thought."  

William W. Quinn, Jr.  _The Only Tradition_ (State University of New 
York Press 1997).  A critical view of the modern world, with discussion 
of Reni Guinon and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy.  Some may not like the 
sympathy for Theosophy and talk of a New Agey "future planetary 
Traditional culture".

Tomislav Sunic, _Against Democracy and Equality:  the European New 
           Right_, Lang 1990.

See also under G.R.E.C.E. in Bookstores (France).

A number of Evola's works are available through the ED2K filesharing
network. Many can be had by gopher here (gopher proxy here).

                         THIRD POSITIONIST

Derek Holland:  Political Soldier 1
     Explains why the Nationalist militant must strive to become the
     Political Soldier needed to fight corruption and save Europe.
Derek Holland:  Political Soldier 2
     Thoughs on struggle and sacrifice. For those who wish to fight
     for Tradition and Order.
Third Position Handbook.  Why ideology needed in a consumerist world, 
     what the TP ideology is, and so on.
International Third Position:  A Third Positionist Reader.
     Contains 5 extracts on the family, economics, Palestine,
     Codreanu and the 'Rural Revolution'. Useful as a cheap
     introduction to the policies of the ITP, but fairly limited if
     the reader is already familiar with these topics.
Various authors:  Yesterday and Tomorrow.  Published by the Legionary 
     Press. Collection of essays by Third Positionists from across


Roy Howard Beck, _The Case Against Immigration_ (W. W. Norton & Co., 
     1996).  Liberal book presenting "the moral, economic, social, and 
     environmental reasons for reducing US immigration back to 
     traditional levels."
Peter Brimelow:  Alien Nation.  Down with immigration.
Frank Bryan and John McClaughry.  _The Vermont Papers_ (Post Mills, VT:
     Chelsea Green Publishing Company 1989).  A neo-anti-federalist 
     program for the 1990s covering issues ranging from agriculture and 
     administration to land-use and education.
Eric D. Butler:  Truth About the Australian League of Rights (1985)
     A response to attacks on the Australian League of Rights.
Roy Clews:  To Dream of Freedom
     Details the campaigns of the Movement for the Defence of Wales
     and the Free Wales Army during the 1960s.
Walker Connor:  _Ethnonationalism_.
Lawrence Dennis:  Is Capitalism Doomed? (Harper & Bros. 1932); The 
     Coming American Fascism (Harper & Bros., 1936).  Two by the man 
     once considered America's "intellectual fascist".
David Duke:  _My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding_, with a 
     forward by Prof. Glayde Whitney, past president of the Behavior 
     Genetics Association.
G. Evans:  Fighting For Wales.  History of Welsh Nationalism.
Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt:  The Silent Brotherhood: Inside 
     America's Racist Underground
Georgie Anne Geyer, _Americans No More_. (Atlantic Monthly Press, 1996) 
     Argues that the concept of citizenship in America has lost all 
Arthur de Gobineau: The Inequality of Human Races.
Joscelyn Godwin:  _Arktos:  The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism and 
     Nazi Survival_ (Phanes, 1993).  A treasure trove of material on 
     Evola, Guenon, Schwaller de Lubisz, and others whose relations with 
     the Nazi Black Order would scare the pants off those New Agers 
     buying up their books today.
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke:  _The Occult Roots of Nazism:Secret Aryan 
     Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology_ (NYU, 1992)
Hearne:  ABC of the Welsh Revolution
     Although based on Wales, the ideas in this book are true for all
     nations. The 'Revolution' of the title is what we would rather
     call Counter-Revolution.
Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics.  New York: Putnam, 1946.
     Also published as _Essays on Human Evolution_, this anti-Christian,
     evolutionist attempt to explain the biological roots of war has a
     small cult following on the right.
David Lane:  Percepts
     A short pamphlet [10pp] of a gaoled White Racial activist in
Michael Levin:  _Why Race Matters: Race Differences and What They Mean_ 
     (Praeger, 1997).
Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams:  The Pink Swastika: Homosexuals and the 
     Nazi Party. Keizer, OR: Founders Publishing Co., 1995. Argues 
     that the popular notion of a homophobic Nazi Germany is greatly
     exaggerated and that Hitler's movement was strongly influence by
     the German gay subculture.
Brunor Maigret:  L'imperatif du renoveneu.
                 La Flamme; Edision Robert Laffont; 
                 Paris 1990.
     By the leading ideologist for Le Pen's National Front.
Kevin McDonald:  _A People that shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group 
     Evolutionary Strategy_ (Praeger, 1994), _Separatism and its 
     Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism_,
     _Culture of Critique_.  A series on Jewish separatism.
Roger McGrath:  _Gunfightes, Highwaymen and Vigilantes_.  A study of the 
     armed and peaceful Old West.
Jack B. Moore:  Skinheads Shaved for Battle: a Cultural History of 
     American Skinheads.
Louis T. March and Brent Nelson.  _The Great Betrayal: The Elite's War
     on Middle America_.  Raleigh, NC: Representative Government Press,
     1995: 139 pp., Paperback. $5.95.
Brent Nelson. _America Balkanized: Immigration's Challenge to 
     Government_.  Monterey, VA: The American Immigration Control
     Foundation, 1994: 148 pp., Hardback. $10.00.  The sociological and
     cultural implications of Third-World immigration, and on how
     government capitalizes on the inevitable conflicts produced to
     enhance its ever-growing powers over the American people.
Ernst Nolte:  Three Faces of Fascism
Prof R.P. Oliver:  America's Decline
Prof R.P. Oliver:  Enemy of Our Enemies
Prof R.P. Oliver:  Is there Intelligent Life on Earth
     A debunking of liberal myths.
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera:  _Selected Writings_ (Jonathan Cape).  
     Founder and leader of the Falange, Primo de Rivera was the formost 
     intellectual inspiration of the Franco regime.
Carleton Putnam:  Race and Reason, a Yankee View (1961), and Race and 
     Reality (1967).  Two books that become bestsellers in the South 
     based on what a 1998 _New York Times obituarist described as 
     "impressive" and "thoughtfully presented" evidence.
Bruno Rizzi:  _The Bureaucratization of the World_, trans. Adam Westoby, 
     Tavistock, 1985.  A Trostkyite who detoured towards Fascism, in 
     doing so becoming one of the first to theorize the idea of a 
     managerial revolution and popularize the idea in Marxist circles, 
     where James Burnham picked it up.
James Ridgeway:  Blood In the Face
Wilmot Robertson:  The Dispossessed Majority
     How the liberal/minority coalition discriminates against White
Wilmot Robertson:  Ventilations.
     A follow-up to _The Dispossessed Majority_. A call for White 
     awakening in America.
Wilmot Robertson:  The Ethnostate (1992)
     Yet another follow-up.
Immigration and the American Identity (The Rockford Institute: 
     Illinois, 1995).  Essays on Immigration from Chronicles magazine.
George Lincoln Rockwell:  White Power
     By the leader of the American Nazi Party
John Ross:  Unintended Consequences.  About a man's conflict against 
     federal police forces after a botched BATF raid.  Gives the history 
     of US gun control from 1900 to present day.
Rushton, J. Philippe:  _Race Evolution, and Behavior_ (Transaction 
     Publishers, 1995).  Argues based on a comprehensive survey of 
     scientific findings that the three main racial groups (negroid, 
     caucasoid, mongoloid) differ systematically as a result of specific 
     evolutionary history.
Michael Schmidt:  The New Reich: Violent Extremism in Unified Germany 
     and Beyond
Israel Shahak:  Jewish History, Jewish Religion:  The Weight of Three 
     Thousand Years  Pluto Press, 1994.  A critique from an 
     Enlightenment universalist perspective of radically self-centered 
     and antisocial aspects of Jewish religious tradition.
Paul Sheehan:  _The Dividing of Australia_. Sydney. Random House, 1998. 
     Attack on the Australian version of multiculturalism from the
     author of the famous 1995 "Race War of Black Against White "
     article in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Georges Sorel: _Social Foundations of Contemporary Economics_, _The 
     Illusions of Progress_ and _Reflexions on Violence_.
Zeev Sternhell.  _The Birth of Fascist Ideology: From Cultural Rebellion
     to Political Revolution_.  Princeton University Press.  Aroused a 
     storm of response when published in France and Italy.  In 
     Sternhell's view, fascism possessed a coherent ideology with deep 
     roots in European civilization, and was a major cultural phenomenon 
     long before it became a political force.
Jared Taylor:  _Paved with Good Intentions_.  The race relations mess.
Donald Warren:  _The Radical Center_
Chilton Williamson, Jr.:  The Immigration Mystique: America's False 
Francis Parker Yockey:  Imperium
     A call to arms in defence of Europe & America with a plan
     for European rebirth.
_Fascism in England 1928 - 1940_.  A Final Conflict booklet on the two 
     main fascist groups - the British Union of Fascists and the
     Imperial Fascist League.


Various fictional works from different streams of the Counter-Revolution.

Hilaire Belloc:  Hills and the Sea (1906)
GK Chesterton:  The Return of Don Quixote
GK Chesterton:  The Napoleon of Notting Hill (1904)
     A entertaining novel about patriotism and the richness of life in 
     small communities. Anti-imperialist.
GK Chesterton:  The Man who was Thursday (1908)
     Paranoia and suspicion are the themes of this novel in which
     an anarchist council call themselves by the days of the week,
     but nobody seems to be quite who he seems.
GK Chesterton:  The Flying Inn (1914)
GK Chesterton:  The Innocence of Father Brown (1911)
GK Chesterton:  The Wisdom of father Brown (1914)
GK Chesterton:  The Incredulity of Father Brown (1926)
GK Chesterton:  The Secret of Father Brown (1927)
GK Chesterton:  The Scandal of Father Brown (1935)
     Classic detective stories.
Colin Jordan:  Merrie England-2000.  A satirical novel about the "Anti- 
     Hate" movement.  The illustrations and the author's admiration for 
     Hitler are unfortunate, but it's said to be a good read.  Printed 
     and published by Gothic Ripples, Thorgarth, Greenhow Hill, 
     Harrogate, Yorkshire HG3 5JQ.
C.S. Lewis:  The Chronicles of Narnia
C.S. Lewis:  _The Discarded Image_.  A survey of medieval and 
     renaissance literature.  The "discarded image" is the medieval 
     holistic synthesis of the world, used by Lewis to attack the 
     alternative views of his own day most of which were and indeed are 
     highly antipathetic to a CR viewpoint.
C.S. Lewis:  That Hideous Strength.  _The Abolition of Man_ set to 
     allegory.  Many on the right detect an anti-conspiracy theme here.
C.S. Lewis:  The Perelandra Trilogy
Jack London:  Call of the Wild
Jack London:  White Fang
A Macdonald:  The Turner Diaries
     A violent novel about revolution and a future ethnic war in America.  
     Features racial mysticism and ethnic cleansing and murder on a 
     colossal scale.  There is also a sequel, _Hunter_.
George Orwell:  Animal Farm
     The Classic allegory of Communism.
George Orwell:  1984
     A view of what a future super-state might become. Frightening.
Ezra Pound:  The Cantos
Jean Raspail:  The Camp of the Saints
     Europe invaded by millions of refugees. A chilling novel.
Alan Stang:  The Highest Virtue
     A novel of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution.
Stuart:  Holocaust Island
     Ten families driven by the threat of nuclear war build their own
     community. Then they need a money system and send for a London
J.R.R. Tolkien:  The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien:  The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Harvey Ward:  Sanctions Buster (William Maclellan Embryo Ltd, 1982,
     A novel set in the world of sanctions busting during the
     Rhodesian bush war.


Material which does not seem to fit well elsewhere.

H. Belloc:  Advice (Harvill Press, London, 1960)
H. Belloc:  A Moral Alphabet in Words of from One to Seven Syllables
     (1899, rpd Duckworth, 1974)
Brock, H. I.  Meddlers:  Uplifting Moral Uplifters.  New York:  Ives 
     Washburn, 1930.  A vigorous attack on liberal interventionism of 
     the old sort:  prohibition, blue laws, social busybodyism, etc.
Danielle Crittenden, _What Our Mothers Didn't Tell Us:  Why Happiness 
     Eludes the Modern Woman_.  (Simon & Schuster, 1999[?]).  An 
     antifeminist book by Mrs. David Frum.
Samuel Dresner:  _Can Families Survive In Pagan America? Lafayette, 
     LA: Huntington House, 1995. Jewish conservative argues that
     liberal Jews who oppose conventional morality could eventually
     cause the Jewish people to self-destruct.
Samuel T. Francis.  _Power and History : The Political Thought of James 
     Burnham_ (University Press of America: 1984), and _Revolution from 
     the Middle_
Elizabeth Lady Freeman:  Traditionalist's Anthology
     A collection of quotations under various headings.
Gallagher, Maggie.  _The Abolition of Marriage_.  An account of the 
     sexual situation in the West.
George Gilder:  _Men and Marriage_ (Pelican Pub Co: 1992).  On the state 
     of the American family, and the recent drive to deny the fundamental 
     differences between the sexes.
C.S. Lewis.  _Surprised By Joy_.
Wyndham Lewis.  _The Art of Being Ruled_, Black Sparrow Press, 1989.
Jerry Mander:  _Four Argument for the Elimination of Television_.  
     Critique of modern culture.
Marinetti, _Let's Murder the Moonshine_ (Sun and Moon Press, $12.95).  
     Selected works of the Futurist artist.
Neil Postman:  _Amusing Ourselves to Death_.
Jeffrey Satinover, MD:  _Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth_.  
     Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996. Psychiatrist argues that homosexuality
     should be treated like an illness.
Wendy Shalit.  _A Return to Modesty:  Discovering the Lost Virtue_.  
     (Free Press, 1999[?]).  A young sexual counterrevolutionary.
Robert Wright:  _The Moral Animal_.  Sociobiology and neo-traditional 

Table of Contents:

Book Stores & Mail Order Services
Internet Resources

                              PERIODICALS INDEX

Some publications are marked as 'local interest' - i.e. that they would
probably not be of much interest to people in other countries. Note that
the list has not been maintained since 2000 or thereabouts. Most that
still exist probably have some sort of web presence now.

Table of Contents:

Christian Counter-Revolution
Southern Nationalist/Agrarian and Neo-Confederate
European New Right and Related
Third Positionist
Populist, Nationalist, Separatist, and Beyond


Subtitled "a magazine of American culture", _Chronicles_ puts out
"theme" issues with an interesting mix of stuff mostly tending toward an
anti-internationalist and neotraditional outlook that bases conservative
views on modern modes of analysis.  They also have an interesting group
of regular contributors.

Culture Wars
This publication, the child of E. Michael Jones' Ultramontane Associates 
(of "Fidelity" fame) and Pat Robertson's American Center for Law and 
Justice, started out neocon-ish, but has moved toward anti-libertarian, 
anti-Hayek social-conservatism. Reminiscent of Brent Bozell's "Triumph."

The Freeman.  A publication of the Institute for Economic Education, 
30 South Broadway, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York.  Mostly libertarian 
economic analyses.

The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies
Council for Social and Economic Studies
1133 13th St., N.W.
Suite C-2
Washington, D.C. 20005-4297
Telephone (202) 789-0231   FAX (202)-842-1758

Intercollegiate Review. 
[Published by Intercollegiate Studies Institute, below.]

Modern Age.
Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc.
14 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA  19010-3275
The scholarly magazine of American paleoconservatives.  Founded by 
Russell Kirk.

The Salisbury Review
33, Canonbury Park South
London, N1 2JW
An intellectually distinguished magazine covering continental as well as 
British culture and politics.  Edited by Roger Scruton.

431 E. 12th Street
New York, NY  10009
(212) 228-6479
fax:  (212) 228-6379
Quarterly.  The Frankfort School goes reac.  The search for federalism, 
tradition, communalism and liturgy in pomo-speak.  Paul Gottfried is an 
editor and frequent contributor, and they publish Thomas Fleming and 
Alain de Benoist.

                         CHRISTIAN COUNTER-REVOLUTION

Apropos (previously _Approaches_)
Editor:  Tony Fraser
Staffin Road
Isle of Skye
Officially quarterly but tends to appear less frequently. _Approaches_ was
founded by the late Hamish Fraser, the famous Catholic convert from 
Communism, and _Apropos_ is the continuation of his work by his son.
It is a traditionalist Catholic publication and tends to concentrate on
social issues in the light of Catholic social teaching.

The Chesterton Review

Christianity & Society
PO Box 2, Taunton TA1 4ZD, ENGLAND
Telephone (01823) 321248
A quarterly published by The Kuyper Foundation.  They are putting 
together a directory of Christian Reconstruction. 

The Counsel of Chalcedon
PO Box 888022, Dunwoody GA  30356-0022
(404) 396-0965
A Christian Reconstructionist publication.

The Remnant
2539 Morrison Avenue
St Paul
Minnesota 55117
Traditionalist Catholic. Issues semi-monthly.

R.R. 1
Box 97 A-1
Minnesota 55987
Tel  507-459-8000
A full colour Traditional Catholic newsletter issued by St Thomas 
Aquinas Seminary (Part of the Society of St Pius X). Also issued is a
monthly letter by Bishop Williamson. No charge, but a donation would be

The Wanderer
201 Ohio Street
St. Paul, MN 5107
Subscriptions: US$35.00 in US, US$45.00 elsewhere.
Traditionalist Catholic weekly paper.  Joseph Sobran has a column.


Southern Partisan
P.O. Box 11708
Columbia, SC 29311
$14 for four quarterly issues.
_Southern Partisan_ is a quarterly magazine that defends the culture, 
traditions, and symbols of the Old South.


_The Scorpion_
Postfach 8505050
51030 Koeln
_The Scorpion_ is a prime source for English translations of GRECE 
writers such as Alain de Benoist and Guillaume Faye. The writing in _The 
Scorpion_ is of a very high quality.  Right now, _The Scorpion_ is coming 
out at the rate of a year or more per issue (the subscription rates are 
for 4 issues).  Back issues are worth getting.
     North America air mail:  26 pounds sterling ($40.00 U.S.)
     Surface mail:  18 pounds sterling
All currencies accepted.  Cheques made payable to _The Scorpion_ except 
for francs and marks (made payable to Michael Walker).  For cheques in 
currencies other than Pounds sterling, French francs, and German marks, 
add 10%.  Some send cash in U.S. dollars, as this avoids the problem, 
but of course there is the usual risk of sending cash through the mail.

                        THIRD POSITIONIST

Third Way
Influenced by the ENR, they emphasize "common sense" approaches to 
political problems, opposition to Maastricht, green politics, 
cooperation  between conservatives/nationalists of all ethnic/religious 
groups, etc.  They run some political candidates.

Liverpool Newsletter
A mixture of distributist, radical RC and social credit doctrines.

Mother Earth.
Another part of the Third Way empire.

Ulster Nation.
29 Glenwood Street, Belfast, BT13 3AJ, N. Ireland.
An Ulster nationalist publication affiliated with Third Way.


American Renaissance
PO Box 1674
Louisville, KY  40201
Edited by Samuel Taylor, author (as Jared Taylor) of _Paved with Good  
Intentions_.  Articles on sociobiology, genetics, and racial 
differences, and on current events, detailing the deterioration of 
America, ethnic and racial fragmentation, liberal doublethink and racial 
double standards.  Very intelligently written.

"The voice of National Socialism in Britain".
Broadsword is the official supporting publication of the British 
National Socialist Movement and is published quarterly.
Price 2.00, Send cheque (made payable to Broadsword) or 
postal order to:
PO Box 6, Heckmondwicke, West Yorks., WF16 0XF, England, UK

The Citizens' Informer
Subscription:  P.O. Box 2494
               St. Louis, MO  63114
The official newsletter of the Council of Conservative Citizens
(CCC) published 4 times annually. Although the stated aim of the
CCC is to unite all factions within the American right, the paper
bears a decidedly populist/paleoconservative orientation, arguing
for tighter immigration restrictions, an end to affirmative action
and a serious discussion about the implications of race in America.
Features frank discussions about immigration and the race issue.

P.O. Box 426, Allison Park, PA 15101.
"America's best patriotic political publication." 

The New American
770 Westhill Boulevard
Appleton, WI 54915
Published biweekly
Well-written and well-researched news magazine published by the John 
Birch Society.

The Truth at Last
P.O. Box 1211
Marietta, Georgia 30061
A newspaper covering a variety of topics of interest to separatists.  
Originally _The Thunderbolt_, the publication of the (presumably 
defunct) National States Rights Party.


SACRED WEB:  A Journal of Tradition and Modernity
An academic journal on Tradition, "conceived as a journal whose aims 
will be to identify Traditional "first principles" and their application 
to the contingent circumstances of modernity, and to expose the false 
premises of modernity from the perspective of Tradition."

                     BOOK STORES & MAIL ORDER SERVICES

Unless otherwise stated, the entries will run a mail-order service. Some
also have display rooms which can be visited. If possible, telephone to
check before a wasted journey.

The definition of 'book' has been stretched to include other resources
such as video-tapes and audio-tapes.

Table of Contents:



13, rue Charles Lecocq
75015 Paris


Baker Book House
2768 East Paris SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503 
Used bookstores with huge selections of religious volumes, especially 
Evangelical ones.

The Dooyeweerd Centre is administering a massive translation 
and publication project for Dooyeweerd's books.  Address:
Deyyeweerd Centre
Redeemer College
777 Highway 53 East
Ancaster ON 
Information is also available at:

Liberty Fund, Inc.
8335 Allison Point Trail No. 300
Indianapolis, IN  46250-1687
Publishing house with a mail order department specializing in books 
dedicated to Liberty in a very broad sense of the term.  High quality, 
low priced books, typically new editions of out of print works.

National Vanguard Books
P.O. Box 330
Hillsboro, West Virginia 24946
Broad assortment of books on history, philosophy, culture and other
subjects that you can't get anywhere else (except below).  Run by national

The Neumann Press
Route Two Box 30
Long Prairie, MN 56347
1-800-746-2521 (8am to 10pm Central Time)
FAX number:  1-320-732-3858
Traditional Catholic books, specializing in reprinting out-of-print 
books. The contemporary books they publish are Roman Catholic and 
faithful to the Chair of Peter.  They carry such Catholic authors as 
Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson, Fr. Lasance, St. John Vianney, St. Pius X, 
Alfred Noyes, Orestes Brownson, Michael Davies, and more.

The Noontide Press
1822 1/2 Newport Blvd. Suite 183
Costa Mesa, California 92627
A wide assortment of books, cassettes and pamphlets you can't get 
anywhere else.  A branch of the Institute for Historical Review.

OMNI/Christian Book Club
P.O. Box 900566
Palmdale, California 93590-0566
Political and Catholic works.  Social credit, conspiracy, Nesta Webster.  

Sophia Perennis et Universalis
Ghent, NY  12075
343 Rt. 21C
Rene Guenon, Frithjof Schuon, et al.  Complete "traditionalist" list and 
related works.

TAN Books and Publishers, Inc.
P.O. Box 424
Rockford, IL 61105
Phone: 1-800-437-5876
Fax: 815-226-7770
Dedicated to preserving Catholic Classics, exposing modern errors and 
defending the truths and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.  Has 
published well over 400 Catholic titles since 1967.

Transaction Publishers
Rutgers--The State University
New Brunswick, N.J. 08903
Telephone:  (908) 932-2280   Fax (908) 932-3138
Titles by such illustrious counter-revolutionaries as Mel Bradford,
Russell Kirk, Paul Gottfried, and Thomas Molnar.

Trax Book and Tape
332 W. Martin Ln.
Murray, Utah  84107
(801) 262-3601
Tied to the American Patriot movement.  "Your source for books and other 
information about freedom, health, survival, common law, sovereignty, 
economics, conspiracy, home schooling, liberalism, satanism, science, 
christian books, history, IRS, and others."  Write them for a catalog.

Sources of Christian Reconstructionist Literature:
   Institute for Christian Economics (ICE)
   P. O. Box 8000
   Tyler, Texas 75711

   Biblical Horizons
   P. O. Box 1096
   Niceville, Florida 32588

   P. O. Box 158
   Vallecito, California 95251

   American Vision
   P. O. Box 724088
   Atlanta, GA 31139-1088
   (404) 333-6203

   The Christian Statesman
   715 School Street
   McKees Rocks PA 15136
   Messiah's Congregation
   2662 E. 24th St.
   Brooklyn, NY  11235

   Still Waters Revival Books
   4710-37A Ave.
   Edmonton, AB Canada T6L 3T5


Wikipedia has useful references and lists, for example in the articles on: