The editorial following first appeared in the June, 1997 issue of THE BARNES REVIEW, published bimonthly from 130 Third Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003 and was reprinted in the June 30, 1997 issue of The SPOTLIGHT. MULTICULTURALISM: THE PIT OF NO RETURN Canute I, the Danish/Viking king of what was England 10 centuries ago, thought himself so powerful that he ordered the tide in the River Thames to recede. He was unsuccessful, as no doubt rational observers predicted. So it is with our world-improvers today In order to impose world government on the recalcitrant and unwilling masses of every clime, race, nationality, language, religion and political persuasion on this globe they reason they must first infect them with sort of a societal HIV virus they have named "multiculturalism" before the world comes down with the full-fledged and fatal AIDS of world government. By devising this word "multicultural," these self-important intellectual poseurs believe they have invented something in addition to the word itself, such as Irish minstrels invented leprechauns by naming them. But multiculturalism is a made-up word for a condition which can only exist fleetingly in historical terms, and which presages the prompt extinction of culture. Indeed, it exists only in reports produced in that tower of babble called the United Nations or other less than-august assemblies of the hired international cognoscenti. Let us first discuss culture. Our dictionary defines it thusly: The integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior that depends upon [and provides the foundation for-Ed.] man's capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations; the customary beliefs, social reform and material traits of a racial, religious or social group. What is defined here is the matrix upon which all human values and progress depend, and without men would be an atomized group of grunting savages living in perpetual squalor. It is culture and only culture that gives men a foundation for life above animals. A culture-any culture-is the product of the history of a group-any group-since before the memory of man. It is the sum total of the group's HISTORICAL EXPERIENCE. It is all of the popular conclusions and prejudices and common wisdom that have developed over the eons and which are embedded in the group's consciousness: their mores and habits, their dos and don'ts. The culture may include a potential for progress and human betterment, or conversely, it may rigorously enforce the status quo, no matter how debased or primitive it may appear to our liberals and internationalists. It may be diseased and in the process of self destruction, or vibrant and healthy (White culture may still possess the germ of potential for betterment but it has become diseased and corrupt, far surpassing Francis Parker Yockey's description 40 years ago as merely "distorted.") Note the significant fact that a culture has to be tied to one group. Culture is autochtonous and indigenous. It is intrinsic and not extrinsic. It is verkrompe, not verligtes. It is a product of itself and the group's experience. It can be nothing else. A culture requires its own language and can accept only limited variations in the religious. It must have its own system of law or what passes for law. Having developed from the genius of one particular race it cannot tolerate integration with an alien race and its alien culture. A culture must remain true to itself. It can accept only limited intrusion without suffering fatal weakening. In other words, the very definition of culture excludes the delusion of "MULTICULTURALISM." But just because in practice "multiculturalism" is only a transitory condition of social deterioration does not exclude it as a powerful movement no matter how artificial. Its power comes from the top-from the mattoidal super-rich individuals and groups that have established a strangle-hold over our lives and the ostensible direction of the entire planet, a direction seemingly inevitably moving toward the eventual establishment of monopoly control over all of the material resources of the world and, of course, corresponding political control. Should the world-improvers and their backers continue to have their way, the outlook is bright only for themselves, the super-rich international plutocrats and their acolytes, but it is extremely dim for everyone else. The planned "global plantation," with every one a "field hand" except the rulers, is not a pretty goal; it is not what the foolish "futurists" and their deluded disciples claim to see. Before that stage of human devolution is reached, there must be a long journey through a world of horror. Few are willing to admit-most perhaps can not even see-that America is already in the first stage of multicultural anarchy. Order and authority-natural and certain accompaniments of any culture-are rapidly diminishing in America even as governmental tyranny rapidly increases. Anarchy already reigns in New York, Washington, Chicago and every other big city; it often is literally fatal to walk the Negro sections in these and all other big cities after dark and even in daylight, no matter how politically incorrect it is to speak of this. But this anarchy can only expand until it holds all America prisoner, and for many reasons. It is ironic and extremely hopeful that even as the world plutocracy, determined to impose their New World Order of greed on the people of the world, move forward armed with the force of virtually unlimited money-not to mention every western government and the press-the exact opposite is also happening. The day of the nation-state is fast approaching eclipse. National and racial "separatist" movements are everywhere, including in the United States. (In TBR of October 1996 author D.J. Stevens-Allen speculated about a future America politically divided along ethnic lines; we recommend a rereading of this seminal piece.) One might see the events of today as the force of international plutocracy against the will of humanity We need not point out that when an irresistible force meets an immovable object the result is chaos. We pray that future historians will see today as the gestation period of renewed cultures and progress, and not the forced thrusting of mankind into the evil pit of an abortive multicultural experiment certain to produce terrors on the way down which we can hardly imagine.
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