The Truth Shall Get You Fired in the USA
By Robert W. McGee

Speaking the truth about the human rights abuses taking place in Palestine
can get you fired in the United States. Three editors for The Freeman, a
monthly magazine published by the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)
in suburban New York found that out when they published two items that
infuriated American zionists.

In the November issue, Hans Hoppe, an economics professor at the University
of Nevada at Las Vegas, wrote a book review in which he merely pointed out
that Hitler was relatively benign before World War Two compared to Stalin.
Stalin had killed 20 million of his own people before the outbreak of the
war, whereas Hitler didn't start killing many people until after the war
started. The statement was true, yet it infuriated some influential
American zionists, who said the opinion amounted to holocaust revisionism.

Zionist anger was compounded the following month when Robert W. McGee,
president of the Dumont Institute wrote an article about the systematic
violation of Palestinian human rights by the zionists. McGee merely pointed
out that Palestinians have been having their land stolen and have been
subjected to numerous other human rights abuses since the 1940s, with the
help of American taxpayers, who regularly give the zionist government of
Israel more than $5 billion of their tax dollars each year to help support
this activity.

As a result of these two articles, Israel Kirzner, a wellrespected
economics professor at New York University and an orthodox Jewish rabbi,
resigned from the FEE Board of Trustees. Kirzner, who had been a member of
FEE's board for about 25 years, was infuriated over the two articles.

He was especially incensed at McGee's article, which he said amounted to no
more than Palestinian propaganda. Hans Sennholz, president of FEE and a
former Luftwaffe pilot for Hitler during World War Two, felt compelled to
act, partly because of his former background. So he fired Larry White, the
editor of the November issue; Robert Batemarco, the book review editor; and
Robert Higgs, the editor of the December issue.

He also stated that these three persona non grata would have no further
affiliation with FEE as long as he was president.

The multiple firings have caused somewhat of a scandal within the group of
FEE supporters. Since its founding in 1946, FEE has been a stalwart
supporter of free markets, limited government and free speech. So it became
an especially newsworthy event when FEE punished three of its own (not to
mention the two authors) just because they spoke the truth about a subject
that has not received much coverage in the American press. Mr. Higgs stated
that he decided to publish McGee's article because the article said things
that needed to be said, and that they were not being said by anyone else in

The mentality in presentday America is such that anyone who speaks out
against human rights abuses perpetrated by Jews is immediately labeled
antisemitic. As a result, the vast majority of people who would otherwise
speak out decide to keep silent. Members of the U.S. Congress must openly
voice their support of Israel lest they face the wrath of the organized
Jewish lobby, which does not hesitate to threaten to support their opponent
in the next election if they do not fall into line. The presidential and
vicepresidential candidates for the two major U.S. political parties all
voiced strong support for the zionist government of Israel during the
recent election. Jack Kemp even compared Benjamin Netanyahu to Jack
Kennedy. Whenever the American press reports on events in Israel, they take
a prozionist position.

They never fail to call it a tragedy when one or two Israeli soldiers are
killed in some terrorist attack, but when ten or twenty or more
Palestinians are wounded or killed for merely defending themselves and
their land, the news item is merely reported without comment.

The state of public opinion in the United States will not change until the
American public becomes aware of the truth of the situation in occupied
Palestine. That will happen only when the Arabs who live in the United
States form a lobby that is equally vocal and effective as the zionist
lobby that now has a stranglehold over the American press and Congress.

And here is the article that caused all the ruckus....

Policy Brief
No. 4 June 27, 1996
The Dumont Institute for Public Policy Research
236 Johnson Avenue
Dumont, NJ 07628 USA
This Policy Brief may be reproduced and redistributed provided reproduction
is done in its entirety.

Arab Terrorism: Causes and Cure
Robert W. McGee, Seton Hall University

Politicians are quick to condemn Arab terrorism like the 1983 attack that
killed 241 U.S. servicemen in Beirut, Lebanon, the Oklahoma City bombing
(which turned out not to be from Arab terrorists), the World Trade Center
bombing and the Saudi Arabian bombing that killed or injured hundreds of
people. The press is eager to devote substantial coverage to such events as
well. But the big question  the one that neither politicians nor the press
addresses  is "why do some Arabs engage in such activities?" Why are they
willing to engage in suicide attacks and bombings and why do they seem to
single out the United States (as well as Israel) as the target of their
attacks? What is the problem that makes them willing to die for their cause?

Anyone who pays any attention to the news knows that the United States has
been the strongest supporter of Israel since its founding in the 1940s, and
that various Arab states have, at one time or another, been enemies of
Israel. But what is less well reported by the U.S. media is the Israeli
terrorism that has been heaped upon the Arabs  Palestinians in particular
since the founding of Israel.

The Palestinian "problem" stems from the fact that the state of Israel was
established on Palestinian land. During the 1948 war, the Israeli forces
not only drove the Palestinians from their homes, but also made a point of
dismantling more than 400 Palestinian villages, towns and cities stone by
stone, so that the Palestinians would have nothing to return to. As a
result, three million of the estimated six million total Palestinian
population are now refugees, a million of whom are forced to this day to
live in appalling conditions in refugee camps with little hope for the future.

The Palestinians' property rights  one of the most basic of all human
rights  was systematically disparaged. This disparagement continues to this
day, as evidenced by the West Bank settlement policies of the present
Israeli government. Russian Jews and others are being given Palestinian
land to live on, and the Palestinian owners are being driven from their
land without compensation. Whole Palestinian neighborhoods in East
Jerusalem have been confiscated and turned over to Jewish "settlers" in an
effort to consolidate the Jewish hold on the city, which Israel is making
into the capital of the Jewish state.

The land grab is only one of many human rights abuses that the Palestinians
have had to endure. Palestinians are subject to searches at numerous check
points in their own country. Their homes can be blown up without due
process if a family member is merely accused of terrorist activity. There
have been systematic attempts to prevent Palestinians from getting an
education, as evidenced by the closing of Palestinian schools. While the
official reason for the shutdowns was to close places where Palestinians
could gather and organize, Israeli government officials also closed
correspondence schools, where no gathering could take place.

Beatings, torture, imprisonment and even killings of Palestinians have
become commonplace. Palestinian farmers have systematically been deprived
of water for their farms, while Israeli farmers get what they need.
Palestinian freedom of travel has been restricted or denied on numerous
occasions, making it difficult or impossible to visit family or go to work,
thus causing economic hardship. Christian and Moslem Palestinians who live
in the West Bank and Gaza have been prevented from worshipping at
Jerusalem's religious sites for "security" reasons.

Palestinian merchants who sell watermelons in the local market have been
beaten because they sliced open the watermelons, thus revealing the colors
of the Palestinian flag, which was forbidden at the time. Palestinians have
also been beaten for wearing shirts that are the colors of the Palestinian
flag. During the recent election, right wing Israeli party posters placed
in front of polling places falsely warned Palestinians that their health and
pension benefits would be taken away if they voted, thus greatly reducing
the number of Palestinians who dared to vote. Some of those who tried to
vote were beaten by police.

One young Palestinian was beaten by about 40 Israeli police in front of
James Moran, a member of the U.S. Congress. Bystanders said this sort of
thing happens all the time. Israeli rubber bullets have caused some
Palestinian youths to become brain dead. Between the start of the intifada
in 1987 and mid1995, more than 1400 Palestinians have been killed,
including 260 children. The American press devotes little or no space to
these Palestinian murders, yet never fails to cover a story involving the
death of one or two Israeli soldiers.

U.S. press coverage is biased and proIsraeli. But that is not the reason
why some Arabs want to blow up Americans and American property. One of the
main reasons these Arabs are outraged is because the U.S. government has
been the strongest supporter of Israel right from the start. Sirhan Sirhan,
the Arab who assassinated Robert Kennedy, said he did it because Senator
Kennedy approved the sale of military aircraft to Israel, which would be
used to kill Palestinians. While the holocaust was a tragedy, and while
practically everyone agrees that systematic extermination of an ethnic or
religious group cannot be condoned, it does not follow that the survivors
of that group have some inherent right to found a country on someone else's

U.S. taxpayers have been forced to support this land grab, and the many
human rights abuses that have gone with it, since the 1940s. For the 1996
fiscal year alone, American taxpayers had to pay more than $5.5 billion for
various kinds of aid to Israel  $1,375 for every Jewish man, woman and
child (Palestinians don't get the benefit of the aid). Yet Israel cannot be
called a poor country. It has a per capita gross domestic product
approaching that of England.

The whole issue of foreign aid needs to be addressed. The U.S. constitution
provides for a government of limited powers. The government can
constitutionally do only those things that are specifically enumerated in
the constitution. The constitution says nothing about foreign aid, which
makes it constitutionally suspect. Those who favor foreign aid programs
might argue that giving foreign aid is in the best interest of the United
States. But even if that were sometimes the case, it does not follow that
such foreign aid programs can become constitutional just because they might
be in America's best interest. Besides, the "best interests" argument does
not seem to apply to Israel, a country that has received nearly $78 billion
in foreign aid from the United States between fiscal 1948 and 1996. At
least part of the military aid Israel receives is used to abuse the human
rights of Palestinians. The nonmilitary aid is used to support an economic
system that is basically socialist. How can it be in the interest of the
United States to support such a regime?

American taxpayers are being abused by being forced to support Israeli
terrorism and socialism. At the very least, the foreign aid spigot should
be turned off, the sooner the better. In addition, those politicians who have
the courage should speak out against the human rights abuses that have been
perpetrated against the Palestinian people.

Even if one concedes that the U.S. has some strategic interest in Israel (I
do not concede this point), it does not follow that American taxpayers
should be forced to support a corrupt regime that systematically abuses the
human rights of a targeted ethnic group. Human rights are human rights, and
no government should ever condone or financially support a regime that
systematically disparages them. Once U.S. support stops, Arab terrorists
(some of whom may legitimately be called freedom fighters) will be far less
likely to attack U.S. property and citizens.

Although some Arabs hate the United States because of its support of
Israel, that is not the only reason why some Arabs are angry with the U.S.
Historically, various U.S. governments have had a policy of supporting
corrupt regimes. We supported the Shah of Iran. We supported a fascist
South Vietnamese dictator who was fighting a communist North Vietnamese
dictator. We supported Stalin's enslavement of millions of East Europeans.
We supported Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines when it was fashionable to
do so. During the Gulf war we came to the aid of a family of dictators in
Kuwait who were being attacked by an Iraqi dictator. American soldiers were
summoned to a Kuwaiti prince's house to reinstall the gold plumbing that
had been stolen by Iraqi soldiers, which is hardly a legitimate use of
American troops. We have supported a number of corrupt regimes in Arab
countries over the years because American leaders thought it was in the
best interests of the United States to do so. Aside from the fact that it
is seldom in anyone's best interests to support corrupt regimes, it is also
a morally bankrupt policy, and the Arabs recognize that fact.

A third reason why some Arabs dislike the United States, and the West in
general, goes back to the Crusades. While I was preparing this article, an
Arab friend of mine pointed out that Moslems still have not forgotten the
Crusades, the aims of which were to capture holy sites and either kill or
convert Moslems. Although the United States was not to blame for the
Crusades, which ended hundreds of years before America came into existence
as a political entity, Arabs are still suffering psychologically from that

While cutting off American aid to Israel and ending support for corrupt
Arab regimes might stop Arab terrorism against the United States, it will
not stop violence (call it terrorism or freedom fighting) in Israel. That
violence is unlikely to stop until human rights abuses are stopped and the
land that has been taken is restored to its rightful owners. Muslims, Jews
and Christians can live in peace, but only when human rights  which
includes property rights  are respected.   END

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